View Full Version : Maxims.

29th June 2005, 09:12 AM
We all have a rule/angle that we recycle from system to system,i thought it would be good to start a thread where we reveal this rule/angle.

Mine is race starts,i always look for horses that havent had a lot of racing,i want fresh legs and a horse that hopefully hasnt reached its career peak.

I use the cut off of 24 race starts to achieve this(it does vary from time to time,sometimes less sometimes more but for the point of this thread i'll say 24)

Perhaps if everyone contributes their maxim we could put em together to form a super system lol.

29th June 2005, 12:58 PM
Dale, I use one piece of info only. I use the best recent start rating ( tassie tote ratings) and nothing else. I find if I start to add bonus points in for jockeys distance track conditions it will increase my strike rate but lower my profit on turnover. I use this method because it throws up horses that have good recent form but maybe good odds because they have an unfavourable jockey or racing an unsuitable distance ecetera. I learnt from this forum that to make a dollar you must try to find something that others dont do. While recent form comes into most peoples calculations, almost everyone looks for a top jock and so on. I simply price all my runners on form and nothing else, my strike rate may be less than some but my average price per winner makes up for it.

30th June 2005, 12:29 PM
dont really use it in any systems as such - simply i never back mares in open company & rarely bet in fillies &/or mares races. causes me to miss a nicely priced winner now & again but longterm they suck the big one.

not real keen on 3yo fillies against the colts either but will bet if given a reason to be confident.