View Full Version : Fastest Tote

25th August 2005, 04:47 PM
G'day All,

Could someone tell me which TAB is the quickest for placing bets. I know which is the slowest. I bet 3 runners per race and like to get on as late as possible.


25th August 2005, 05:22 PM
Most tabs offer expert betting options...this is a way to place large amounts of bets at one time...the WA tab offer a service where you can upload your bets via text file...it is easy to write a macro in excel to export to the correct format and place your bets in about 30 seconds....the WA tab pool is with super tab

25th August 2005, 05:22 PM
The fastest & easiest by far is TABQ .
One can set up the options menue for multi betting & can be set up to outlay the same amount each time if need be.
It will accept bets right up to exactly jump start not jump time which some of them do .
I have got on sometimes , several seconds after they have actally jumped.

One can taylor it to do Quinellas only or Exactas only ext.

25th August 2005, 05:46 PM
did somebody mention www.racetab.com. (world's worst website)

25th August 2005, 05:51 PM
Thanks Shaun and Bhagwan. I'll have a look at both Tabs. Much appreciated.

26th August 2005, 07:49 AM
The fastest & easiest by far is TABQ .
One can set up the options menue for multi betting & can be set up to outlay the same amount each time if need be.
It will accept bets right up to exactly jump start not jump time which some of them do .
I have got on sometimes , several seconds after they have actally jumped.

One can taylor it to do Quinellas only or Exactas only ext.
How is this done, i logged onto qtab and couldnt find the options menue, could you direct me please.
Leftfeild, i agree with Bahgwan, i use three sites for best prices and find that qtab (unitab) is by far the quickest and most user friendly, i use the nsw tab cause its easier to withdraw funds when i need to, just go to the local three minutes up the road, very handy. The new NSW tab site i believe is the slowest thing i have ever used and the furtherest thing from user friendly.
Lefty, dont laugh, i bet three, four five runners per field also, i have an excel bet sheet which i made (you can tell), it is basic but i use it every day, it combines the four race meets that i bet on and summs all the figures up and shows the out, the in, the POT and profit, when betting multiple horses it can be confusing, this works every day for me and if you set a target in your head, say 100 units profit for the day, you need not calcuate where you are as it shows you at the bottom, as i said, dont laugh im a computer looser. I find it tops because you may be in trouble in one of the meets but ok in the other two or three so there is no need to chase the win in that venue, i use it for place betting during the day and dogs, trots at night dutching three or four. If you want it just post e m a i l and ill ytry to work it out how to send it.
Cheers dingo

26th August 2005, 09:10 AM
Gday dingoboy

as I am an absolute dud with excel, I would be very interested in your bet tracking file... sounds like the thing I need to keep track thru the day.. if you are willing to send please send to the addy at the bottom of this post.. I cannot for the life of me make an excel file that will work... I need all the help I can get and appreciate any given

26th August 2005, 09:33 AM
Most tabs offer expert betting options...this is a way to place large amounts of bets at one time...the WA tab offer a service where you can upload your bets via text file...it is easy to write a macro in excel to export to the correct format and place your bets in about 30 seconds....the WA tab pool is with super tabI too use Excel macros to place bets via WA tab "expert" (he says laughingly). I was wondering if your system carries out the post better than mine currently. I generate my selections in a column in excel and the last macro statement is to copy that column. I then right click in the "expert" screen and paste.

Does your macro actually control the posting to tab? I like to post as close to the off as possible and that would save me a few seconds. If you, or anyone else, knows how to control tab from excel I would be very interested.

26th August 2005, 09:38 AM

To find the Options menu on QTAB after downloading Netbetpro click on Tools then on Options there you have the various betting modes including multibet mode which is what I was after.

Thanks again Bhagwan.

26th August 2005, 10:18 AM
SeeDee....sounds like your's is quicker than mine if your macro copies the contents to the clip board and all you need do is right click and past (is that with just the one right click then paste for all bet selections for that race ) what mine does is copy my bets to text file and formats it so all i do is hit browse on the tab site locate the file then hit upload......i still have not been able to import the prices from WA tab to excel just gives me errors.....what i do is use the prices from ACT TAB these are all bet in to the same pool so the final divi's are the same......i am currently working on a 1 click bet placement program useing an automated windows program....if it works correctly it should log in to the tab and select the expert betting and place the bets for you....you could even set it to watch a race and if the prices were right it would place the bet...and if they were not right it would ignore the race.

26th August 2005, 10:20 AM
Hi all,
before we go to far, let me just say that.
This dingo programme is not that flash, it does tell me what i have to do and calculates what i said it does however, it doesnt interface with anything externally like tabs (im not that good) and it doesnt have macros, i am working on that.
I will post it below for anyone that wants to have it,....please i am useless in excel but as i said it works for me.
just over type the venue cells, stick in the secection and dollars and the return and away you go,
Hope you all werent expecting too much but i offer what i can!
Thanks lefty, found it !

Cheers Dingo

well i can do that !

26th August 2005, 10:49 AM

Your presentation is much better than mine. Believe it or not, I print out the day's races ON PAPER!. Again I have a macro (cos I'm a lazy sod). I go to WA tab, Racing Info, Today's Races and select all and copy. I click on my macro button and it copies into excel (Special, Text), expands into columns if necessary and deletes all columns except Time, Track, Race and No of Runners. This is then copied into my daily worksheet.


Again with the macro! I copy from WA tab race screen and press my button which pastes into my spreadsheet (Text, Special) and expands into columns. All the details I need are there. If you are interested I can send you a version of the macro I use. It can be adapted if you know your way around macros. If my system pans out I guess one day I will convert it to VB.

As I try to compare lots of data from TAB, I would be very interested in how the interface works. I know it is there because some of the shyster products currently being vilified (quite rightly) on this forum use it. Any information would be appreciated.

Oh, to answer your question, yes I have WA Tab open on two pages one for race details, which I copy and analyse and one on the expert screen. As I said earlier, the last macro statements highlights and copies my selections so I just right mouse once on the expert screen and select paste then press "Log bets". I was interested in your approach in the hope that it would allow me to keep only one screen open and reduce actions by me.

26th August 2005, 12:22 PM
If anyone is interested i can give you formulas for doing different things in excel...i am not an expert on excel but what i need to get done i can...things like....importing prices from ACT TAB/IAS/Spotingbet Australia...maybe a few others have not tried them all......i can also copy the 3 start form from VirtualFormguide and past it in to excel then i can extract any of the information i want from it like Win%/Place%/Average Prizemoney/race dates/finished positions or lengths beaten/race prize money or just about anything listed on that page.....you can then use this information to create your own rateings.....it is not fancy like some can do but it works......problem is comeing up with accurate rateings that work.....this is still an ongoing process....my newest rateings will be tested tomorrow but show promis.

The good thing about importing the prices from these sites is you can have them automaticly refresh so if you are dutch betting you don't have to keep changeing prices then you can send the bets to the tab with a couple of mouse clicks

29th August 2005, 10:10 PM
Hey Shaun & SeeDee,

I've written some software that can import an excel spreadsheet containing your bet details (such as track, race no, horse no, required track condition, win odds range, etc) and then place the bets for you using TABOnline. It waits until the race is about to close before placing the bet (there's some variables you can play around with to get the timing right for this).

The basic idea is that you load your picks at the start of the day and then let the application do all the work.

Currently got a couple of users giving it a bit of a trial run and am looking for a couple more testers. Let me know if you're interested. It's a bit of a work in progress at the moment but it's going pretty well.

29th August 2005, 11:18 PM
I would be interested in haveing a peak...send me an e-mail about what it can do

shaun dot tsisquaya at ozadsl dot com dot au

30th August 2005, 04:41 PM
shaun dot tsisquaya at ozadsl dot com dot au

That email address sounds like one of Kenchars funny conversations in whatever language he uses.

5th September 2005, 06:54 PM
I would like to have a look at your system.

Please contact me on crdowd at iprimus dot com dot au

20th November 2005, 03:14 PM
I too would be interested in looking at your system. Just for your interest I too am I qualified programmer and have some ideas we could possibly look at working together on? You can email me at:
mail001 at dodo dot com dot au