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View Full Version : Help With Form

Aussie Battler
8th September 2005, 06:03 AM

Just wondering if anyone knows where i can find horse form which clealy and easily states there form for the current year.

I need the horses year stats for runs(win,2nd,3rd) and also the years prize money.


8th September 2005, 06:26 AM

you will need to search each horse individualy...but thats as much as i know about form for last twelve months

Aussie Battler
8th September 2005, 06:46 AM
yeah, i have looked there, but would take to long to go through each horse for the card.

If someone does know , please let me know.

11th September 2005, 09:17 AM
For free guides with all the stats you mentioned go to expertform.com

john spencer
11th September 2005, 09:53 AM
hey guys , try risa.com.au . they often have some good free info posted although i think they only post the last 3 or four starts . John