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View Full Version : 30%+winning

Ted Bluegum
18th September 2005, 05:18 PM
Using only metro meetings Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.
I am a manual operator and therefore it takes ages to get data details from sites available.
Through reading very interesting information in forums i gather that some fellow punters have access to a huge data banks.
I would appreciate if i could obtain the following information please:

Disregarding -

Jumps,2yr olds, Maidens, Cups, Derbys, Plates, Stakes & 3yr old races from August to February, fillies only, mares only, both sex races

Avoiding slow and heavy tracks if necessary

ie virtually only true handicap races

- how long before a runner with a 30% winning - wins back from a spell
- is it 3 races before it wins?

I am very new ..so please be kind but firm


18th September 2005, 05:29 PM
I am a manual operator .....

I am very new ..so please be kind but firm....


Ted Ted!!!
You have to be vary careful how you are wording your posts here?
As to your question, I am sorry but it doesn't work like that at all.
A horse can have 40% win % but it could have been four win in one prep. and nothing in the next.
If only we knew???

Ted Bluegum
18th September 2005, 05:53 PM
Thanks Marcus
As i said im new but have been betting on a system of following 30% winners and to date avoiding the races mentioned have had moderate success. Some have bombed out. The likes of 17/9/05 - Perlin C6 and Brindabella C8 have kept me in there.
No 1st or 2nd up bets and suited track conditions along with other criteria.
On average do the 30% winner during their comeback from a spell win ?


18th September 2005, 06:37 PM
Thanks Marcus
As i said im new but have been betting on a system of following 30% winners and to date avoiding the races mentioned have had moderate success. Some have bombed out. The likes of 17/9/05 - Perlin C6 and Brindabella C8 have kept me in there.
No 1st or 2nd up bets and suited track conditions along with other criteria.
On average do the 30% winner during their comeback from a spell win ?

To be quite honest I do not know, because I use my own rating where win% plays very little part.
If I'll have a spare moment I look it up for you.