View Full Version : Tote or Bookies?

the freek
19th October 2005, 07:55 PM
Up until now I have been essentially a Tote punter except for the weeks when I can get to the track, where I would say half my bets would be with bookies.
But by reading everyone's posts it would seem I'm doing myself no favours by not having accounts with corporate bookies. My question is, what is the best way to go, Best Tote (super price, maxi-div,ect.) or fixed odds or best fluctuation. ? Best fluc' probably isn't an option for me as I like to bet close to jump time. Even though I can see the flaws in betting with the TAB, I still reckon that on my longer price selections, I'm usually better off there.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!

19th October 2005, 08:27 PM
Like you I bet in the last seconds.

I have 2 tab accounts and 2 bookie accounts

I just go from screen to screen chasing the best odds and bet what is the best

Sometimes though the way I go is wrong because of tab changes after the jump, and not much one can do about it, but I know I am a lot better off doing it the way I do rather than just relying on the tabs.

La Mer
19th October 2005, 08:38 PM
Up until now I have been essentially a Tote punter except for the weeks when I can get to the track, where I would say half my bets would be with bookies.
But by reading everyone's posts it would seem I'm doing myself no favours by not having accounts with corporate bookies. My question is, what is the best way to go, Best Tote (super price, maxi-div,ect.) or fixed odds or best fluctuation. ? Best fluc' probably isn't an option for me as I like to bet close to jump time. Even though I can see the flaws in betting with the TAB, I still reckon that on my longer price selections, I'm usually better off there.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!

To a degree it depends on how you go about your betting and how big or small your bets are.

If you bet in reasonable size bets then betting with a corporate bookie or a rails bookie that offer top fluctuation is probably the best way to go, so long as your selections are not longshots.

For longer priced horses you are probably better off betting with the totes, or with those corporate bookies that genuinly offer the 'best of the totes'.

Then of course there is Betfair, which is my preferred choice, with all bar a few exotics being with the betting exchange operator. If you have the time and opportunity then using Betfair can add very many dollars to the bottom line.