View Full Version : what happened??

the mug
7th November 2005, 05:53 PM
Hello all,
can someone please indulge me...
Come home from work to find one of the better threads going around "one of my manys systems" completely gawn, disappeared, deleted..
can someone please shed some light.
i hope i am not going blind and am missing something.


8th November 2005, 09:18 AM

I know of the system you have refered to, but the interesting thing is that Mark posted that method on this forum loooong before that system was released on the market, a bit unfair don't you think.


8th November 2005, 11:16 AM
Please read carefully what has been posted. It is posted again with bold emphasis.

While no litigation was mentioned, our company is not interested in all the angst, time wasting and financial costs involved in potential litigation over posts made by others in a free service we offer.

If anyone would like us to potentially spend hours of time investigating the merits of what appear to be, at face value, reasonable comments by interested third parties about some posts on our forum, then we suggest you first put on the table the dollars to pay for all the time used to fully investigate these comments. We don't operate a detective agency, which at times may well be what is needed to carry out such a detailed investigation.

In addition, if anyone would like us to take a determined stand and not remove posts or threads reasonably questioned by interested third parties we suggest you first put on the table a few hundred thousand dollars to help with legal action if necessary.

It is easy to post about standing up for rights etc. when it is at no financial cost or inconvenience to the person posting.

Due to costs involved (time is money) no further correspondence about this topic is being entered into. This issue is now closed.


An interested third party contacted us and we had discussions.

Following these discussions we concluded the thread may have developed in such a way as to now be in breach of copyright of a commercially marketed system.

That being the case we of course needed to delete the posts in question.

Our system allows us to delete one post at a time or the entire thread. It would have been very time consuming removing one post at a time, so the entire thread has been deleted.
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