View Full Version : Quinella Spreadsheet

Mad Gambler
27th January 2006, 07:40 PM
I've had a go a formating a sheedsheet for my quinella betting. I must be doing something wrong as it turnsout all messed up. Can someone help?

the layout is.

Date. Venue. Race no. Selections in Quin bet. Cost. Win. Profit/Loss Run Bal.

Starting Bank is $200.

I'm using spreadsheets to see whick type of exotic bets make a profit. Some do and some don't.

Mad Gambler

27th January 2006, 07:52 PM
I've had a go a formating a sheedsheet for my quinella betting. I must be doing something wrong as it turnsout all messed up. Can someone help?

the layout is.

Date. Venue. Race no. Selections in Quin bet. Cost. Win. Profit/Loss Run Bal.

Starting Bank is $200.

I'm using spreadsheets to see whick type of exotic bets make a profit. Some do and some don't.

Mad Gambler
You will probably tell me to ... off, but me, being a programmer, I ask you, what's wrong with pen and paper for a simple problem like this?
I use it more then I use the comp for this sort of thing, it is always there no power needed!?
As a matter of fact we use pen and paper well before any code is written.
OK, now you can tell me to be off.
Not trying to be smart, beleive me, but do not try to crack a nut with a sledge hammer.
It is more important to get some winners first!!!

Good luck.

Mad Gambler
27th January 2006, 08:06 PM
Thanks for the advice. I will go back to pen and paper. The only reason I asked is, so that can keep a record of bets with my system i use in one place.

No hard feelings mate. Hope you back a winner or 2 tommorrow.

Mad Gambler

27th January 2006, 08:45 PM
Hi Mad Gambler,

Coming from a system analyst side of things, I'm reading between the lines that you don't want to have to press too many keys to keep your quinella spreadsheet updated. Also reading that you don't want to spend time wasting time and paper doing it manually?
Am I close to the mark?

Regards Patezza
It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbour's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

28th January 2006, 11:23 AM
hi mad, duno if you still need it but this should help

Mad Gambler
28th January 2006, 06:25 PM
Thanks Dav for the spesadsheet it will help me a lot.

Is it possible to extend the selections column as I often take up to 10 horses in a field of 14+ but only if there is any value.
Mad Gambler

28th January 2006, 09:54 PM

Do you bet online or do you place your quinellas manually via the TAB or phone account?
Reason why I ask is that if you bet online, then there is no need to type or write your quins into a spreadsheet.
It can be automated.

regards Patezza

29th January 2006, 11:35 AM
hi mad, see fred's 'help' thread for the solution