View Full Version : Dodgy Race Plan

8th February 2006, 08:44 PM
Heres a plan that strikes a number of big divs.

Target races where there is one or more runners, in the field ,that has had 1 career start only or less.(first career race start)
This tells us, that this is one of those dodgy races where anything could win at any old price.

Mark off the first 4 runners one comes to, at 1 min till jump , starting from TAB No.2 downwards . Paying $10.00+ on the TAB.

We are betting 4 runners a race paying $10.00+.

Bet them all same amount on each.

Bank needed $400 if betting $1.00 a horse @ 4 horses a race=$4.00 a race.

Check out some past results before placing any real money on them , so far so good, with some remarkable divs.

Now lets see if the wheels fall off.


8th February 2006, 10:09 PM
i need to reference this thread to the "dutching" one as these type of races often get me drooling at the 5 minute mark.

nice selection method there Bhagwan.

9th February 2006, 08:39 AM
Apart from the possibility we'll be betting on alphabetical order in some races I like it.