View Full Version : Sat Metro Plan

9th February 2006, 04:28 AM
Heres a plan I came accross agers ago

Sat Metro meetings only
1)Dist 1200,1300,1400m only.
2)Rescent LS Lengths finished no worse than -2.5 lenghths or better, includes wins.
3)2nd LS Lengths finished no worse than -3.5 lenghths or better , includes wins.
4) Barrier 10 & less
5) Av Prz Money $3500+
6) Place 25%+
7) Wins 10%+
8) Allocated Wt. goin up no more than +1Kg or any amount less than LS

With the qualifying selections .
9) TAB price div must be $3.00-$9.90 at 1 min till jump.

If more than 1 selection , back both.
Is reported to have a 48% POT & SR of 43% over a sample of just 118 races.
No doubt this will pan out to be somewhat less than this over time.


9th February 2006, 01:40 PM
Is the average prize money per win or per race start? Thanks.

9th February 2006, 04:00 PM
'Start' Beagle.

Not a bad one Bagman. Makes some sense. Anyway to do that without being in front of the computer 1min. before jump.? I'm sure a bit of a PP rule could be used. $2.50-$7[?]

We seriously need some folks here with a PP data base in their data. I wonder if WAtab. sell one of their PP records? I like them because it is a mechanical system they use for PP, not the office boy.

10th February 2006, 07:31 AM
The Av Prz Mny is career average as shown in say the Sportsman.
If one wants to work it themselves.
Divide its career starts into its total prize money earnt , thats how they work it out.