View Full Version : Database help - deleted accidentally!! Please advise!!

9th February 2006, 06:50 PM
Hi guys. I'm a fool. I am building this access DB (racing of course), I have a version from 12 hours ago on my laptop, and the version which just finished, ready to use, from just now, on my PC. So, I've gone to transfer the PC version onto the laptop, because I no longer need the 12 hour ago version, and guess what, I've transferred the 12 hours ago version over the top of the new one instead.


So, on laptop and PC now are the 12 hour ago version only!!!

Can I recover it?? Anyone help??

9th February 2006, 07:28 PM
About 4 months ago I lost everything, had it all on a USB Card, and it
played up and deleted everything.

Suicide was an option, 6 months of data gone in a second.

9th February 2006, 07:37 PM
Thankyou Punter76, for those words.

9th February 2006, 07:37 PM
It's there. It can't get off the HD. Try a system restore to a point before the new download over the top. Worth a shot.

9th February 2006, 07:53 PM
Thanks Crash, just had a look, the time it picked for today's system restore was only ten minutes ago, and yesterday's is too long ago.

Thanks though, any other thoughts?

9th February 2006, 08:33 PM
Thanks Crash, just had a look, the time it picked for today's system restore was only ten minutes ago, and yesterday's is too long ago.

Thanks though, any other thoughts?

System restore does NOT restore lost data on any hard drive!
It will restore system settings, ie programmes etc. (if you are lucky)

Re. Access.
Depends what you have done? imported, copied ?
In this case depending on your settings it will import the DB with the same name
but adding a number to the and of it like "MyDb1" if you already had MyDb.
However if you have run a query to replace the lot then you lost the lot.
No way to recover.

9th February 2006, 08:49 PM
I have copied over the top of the original one. Say the DB was called "racing.mdb", then I had a copy of "racing.mdb" on the PC, and on the laptop. The PC version was the current one, the laptop version the older one. So, I accidentally copied over the PC version with the older laptop version. So now the current racing.mdb is seemingly gone, replaced by the older racing.mdb.

9th February 2006, 09:10 PM
I have copied over the top of the original one. Say the DB was called "racing.mdb", then I had a copy of "racing.mdb" on the PC, and on the laptop. The PC version was the current one, the laptop version the older one. So, I accidentally copied over the PC version with the older laptop version. So now the current racing.mdb is seemingly gone, replaced by the older racing.mdb.
I have no time to find the settings now, but if I import or copy any DB or table on my comp. it will simpy copy it with the same name and an additional number, that is I can copy it three times and I will get the original MyDb, MyDb1, MyDb2 and MyDb3.
Your settings are obviously different, sorry in this case you lost it, but be happy it was 12 hours only.
Incidentally I have set my Access so, that I will get no warning when I delete a table, bad idea if you are not careful.

PS just re-read your post again, you are not talking Access at all, you are talking Windows Explorer, sorry, in this case you have overwritten the file. (the fact it was a database means nothing) if you had done nothing in the meantime, you could just go back to the same folder and repeatedly press "control/z" to undo what you have done. I suspect it is too late for that?

9th February 2006, 09:16 PM
Thanks Iomaca.

9th February 2006, 09:25 PM
Thanks Iomaca.
control and the letter z at the same time sorry if I offended you by this!

9th February 2006, 10:14 PM
Yeah way too late for that.

I tried that first up but I had closed the program that I used to transfer before I realised, so it was too late then.

Thanks though, I appreciate you trying to help.

As you said, only 12 hourse, I have the PC re-running now, should be done in the morning some time.

Goodnight all.

- Duritz, an idiot.

10th February 2006, 07:16 AM
Yeah way too late for that.

I tried that first up but I had closed the program that I used to transfer before I realised, so it was too late then.

Thanks though, I appreciate you trying to help.

As you said, only 12 hourse, I have the PC re-running now, should be done in the morning some time.

Goodnight all.

- Duritz, an idiot.
Next time you do this sort of thing, do it from within Access.
I take it you have the two machines networked in some way?
If you do it from Access then you can either use the "Export" option if you want it to send it to say, the laptop, or the "Import" function if you want to import it. This way you will have the advantage of not loosing the Db.
Hope it helps.

La Mer
10th February 2006, 09:10 AM
Yeah way too late for that. I tried that first up but I had closed the program that I used to transfer before I realised, so it was too late then.
Thanks though, I appreciate you trying to help. As you said, only 12 hourse, I have the PC re-running now, should be done in the morning some time.
Goodnight all. - Duritz, an idiot.

I've used a program for some years now & have to say it's the single most important bit of software I've ever purchased as it has saved me on many, many occasions from similar incidents as the one you describe, once retriving a ten year old database worth thousands of $$$ alone in time spent on keeping it up-to-date.

The program I refer to is Go Back which literally does that as it goes back in time and restores the computer as it was 10mins ago, an hour ago, start of day, close down, 12 hours ago 24 hours ago etc.

Get it & it will be your safeguard for the future.

10th February 2006, 09:44 AM
Menu trick:
Open My Computer and then access the Properties for your main hard drive. Select the Tools tab and options for Error-checking and Defragmentation will be listed. By making a slight change to the Registry you can add a third option: the Windows XP Back-up utility. Open the Registry Editor and locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ MyComputer. Right-click the My Computer key, click New -> Key and call it backuppath. In the pane opposite, right-click the Default value, choose Modify and give it a value of %SystemRoot%\system32\ntbackup. exe. Then open the Properties of your hard drive and select the Tools tab to see the new option.

You should now have created your own 'Back-up" utility.

10th February 2006, 10:36 AM
I run Windows 2000 and already have that there...nerver use it but might check it out