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View Full Version : Who's had some experience in buying the betting packages off her?

17th March 2006, 09:21 PM
Ive been thinking about buying either the AFL or US Baseball package for the upcoming 2006 season...
Anyone had any experience from buying the packages from here and how did they go?

17th March 2006, 10:48 PM
That's a good question, i'd certainly be interested to see some results from the baseball. Somewhat intrigued by this sport and i wouldn't normally have a clue (about baseball that is, although it could be argued otherwise).Hey mgmt, have you got some results for us?

18th March 2006, 09:47 AM
altho im generally pretty good at afl tipping.. each time for the past 6 years when ive done afl tipping ive gotten over 120.. few times in the 130s

18th March 2006, 10:59 AM
There's a lot more to it than tipping winners buddy.
Last few weeks I picked lots of losers,but I'm still in front!
How that?
It's who you back !
No good tipping winners and having nothing on 'em.
You must have more on your winning selections and less on your losing selections,that is the key

Mr J
18th March 2006, 11:32 AM
I followed the MLB package for one year (2004) and the tennis package for 2 (2003-2004). I didn't bet sports in 2005 but that had nothing to do with these packages. The results were great and so was the support/discussion etc, so definately worth it. I can't speak for the AFL package.

29th March 2006, 10:59 PM
im going to buy this years MLB package
wish me luck :)

Mr J
30th March 2006, 03:42 AM
Good luck ;)

-BR Management. Very important that you aren't too aggressive. I wouldn't use more than a 2% unit for the MLB.
-Line shopping. Try and get at least half a dozen outs (sportsbooks). Look at the US sport oriented books like 5dimes etc. A good list of outs and good line shopping is worth quite a bit.