View Full Version : I have a friend....

22nd March 2006, 10:30 PM
A friend of mine who I previously thought pretty bright (actually he is a very cluey guy) is being tempted by a horse racing system which costs $7000. He has been into their offices on the Gold Coast (although they are based I believe in another country which also has a very advanced racing industry) and was totally sucked in by their speil. I know it's not right to name them on the forum here so that makes it hard to ask if anyone has heard of them. Maybe I can get away with a cryptic version of their title and people who know them will be able to work it out. ........Anyone know anything about these guys?


Chrome Prince
22nd March 2006, 11:28 PM
Perhaps he should invest his money on something with reputation and proven history rather than live demos.

It's not just the initial outlay, it's the loss to boot.

He could do worse than buy Punters Choice, invest $2,500 in research (books, ratings, databases,videos, formguides etc), learning and tools, $2,500 in betting bank, and less than $1k in subscriptions to something that has been proven to work.

He still has $1,000+ as a buffer or for a holiday!

The live demo stuff is like fishing with a net for the vendors.

23rd March 2006, 01:30 AM
this **** comes up here with monotenous regularity - mate, grab your dkhead friend, give him a good bitch slap across the face & tell him to wake up to himself. and if you cant bring yourself to do that then pay someone else to & bill your friend later for it. or alternatively tell his missus about it & let her do the dirty work, although being that fckn stupid shes probably already cleaned him out & moved on.

one born every minute

23rd March 2006, 03:49 AM
Point out he has to make his $7k back before he makes a cent profit and profit margins are slim for any system, including the ones that work. Point him toward the stock market and tell him to invest $7k in TAB shares.

Also, isn't there an official 'scam' site somewhere in Oz describing these rorts ? Get him to read that.

23rd March 2006, 06:45 AM
i could be available to give him a belting....it'll cost you $500 for that but you'll still be way in front

23rd March 2006, 07:01 AM
Official Scam sites are toothless tigers.

As with any GOVERNMENT DEPT they are too bone lazy to get off their collective backsides to do a bit of investigating.

Has ANYONE found it any different?


23rd March 2006, 07:34 AM
I know that Mob,
They are bad news .
The weak Qld laws make it possible for them to exsist.
They have been successfully sued once before , then they changed their name to what it is now.
Its also possible the reason why they have the main office off shore now, so it makes it harder to get at them legally.

Any horse racing system costing $5,000+ can normally be considered to be a scam , they usually suck people in who know nothing about raceing.

When I saw them ages ago , the salesperson knew very little about racing in general , thats when the warning bells sounded. So I continually asked them questions that only a person into racing would know & these guys did not understand the basics.
e.g.nonsence like, the TAB is trying to get your money thats why its in their interest that outsiders get up.
e.g. 40% of all races are won by Favs.
e.g. the smart money comes in at the last minute, thats why we track & back it.

The other weird thing about it was one had to manually input all the info when there are programs like Racetext International that do all that automatically & track the money aswell, all for only $275.00



23rd March 2006, 08:33 AM

Seriously, i agree with Crash.

I take from one and buy various tab shares for my boy.
sort of Robyn Hood Style.

They are a licence to print money.

Best system arround...

There it is, my new system,..."The Robbing Hood Investment System"

A couple of years ago though KV, a mob, i think its the same one, sent my wifes boss this sort of stuff,..they were so close to signing him up,...he even had a money order ready, HE IS A QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT !!
She told him to talk to me first, he showed me the "results" and i picked it to bits, loss chase, massive bank, name on that scam list, using tab results rather than best tote etc etc, thanks to people here we all colectivly saved him 10K minimum,

I printed out everyones forum responces and actually gave it to him as a "bound copy" if you like and he was shocked.

another one saved !

Good luck

23rd March 2006, 11:18 AM
Thanks guys.

My mate is actually not into racing at all. I think they just emailed him and he went to see what it was all about - as an investment opportunity would you believe. Anyway, I gave him the link to this site and I'm sure he'll take all your advice / threats / abuse on board.

What is the address of that scam site? I know it's been on the forum before but I forget where it was.


23rd March 2006, 11:37 AM
Here ya go KV,


23rd March 2006, 01:54 PM
Hi KV, there are quite detailed threads about these guys and all the names they have gone by and are going by at the moment on another punting sites punting forum. You could say it is a virtual site, if you know what I mean. The site I am talking about dosent seem to mind people giving out details about names and addresses of these crooks. A link on one of the posts leads to some victims blog which gives some very detailed info about the leader of these scams right down to his penthouse apartment number and rego plates.

the mug
23rd March 2006, 06:19 PM
Hey Dr.Ron

Some of the stuff on THAT particular thread on THAT forum resembles scenes n stories from trashy TV soaps.... And Not even a glimpse of a moderator in sight..!!.

But it truly highlights the scum that are out their, and the lengths they go to lure the uninformed..ie..frequent changing of company names etc


23rd March 2006, 06:44 PM
Yes mug, you can pretty much say whatever you like over there. The bloke who is in charge of that forum cant stand the scum either, I think that is why stuff is allowed to remain on there. Did yousee the linkI was referring to regarding the ringmaster of the crooks? I would post it here but it wouldn't last long.

the mug
23rd March 2006, 07:17 PM
Did yousee the linkI was referring to regarding the ringmaster of the crooks? I would post it here but it wouldn't last long.

..the one with a mug shot, names of all associates, office location and directions of how to get their?? absolutey...But as you say, I dont think we can put it on here..
Google is your best friend, its not too hard to find...


23rd March 2006, 08:05 PM
Give me some words to google mug, I can't find it.

23rd March 2006, 08:11 PM
You could say it is a virtual site, if you know what I mean. The site I am talking about dosent seem to mind people giving out details about names and addresses of these crooks.
Hi Dr Ron!
It shows what a sheltered life I live. I buy my form from them, and never noticed the forum.
They certainly do not mince words there, that's for sure.
Thank's for the info.

23rd March 2006, 08:14 PM
Give me some words to google mug, I can't find it.
email sent KV

the mug
23rd March 2006, 09:34 PM
hey kv

Let me know if you need more info, or whether marcus' email helped you...


23rd March 2006, 10:28 PM
Cheers Marcus, I had a look on there and couldn't find any specific mention of the dudes I was looking for. I've replied with some more info for your perusal.


24th March 2006, 06:14 AM
Check this out.


24th March 2006, 08:09 AM
Cheers Marcus, I had a look on there and couldn't find any specific mention of the dudes I was looking for. I've replied with some more info for your perusal.

Hi KV!
Tha's all I know sorry.
See if Mug has any more info?

24th March 2006, 09:42 AM
I work on the gold coast and I think I know who you are talking about.
The run/ran a shop front in ..... I looked at their system about 6 months ago (don't know if the shop front is still there, I will have a look today). It samples the tab price at about 10 minutes to jump then again at 2 mins to jump. Uses dutch betting on all the shorteners. Yes it works sometimes as you all would know. Might have a winning run for a month or so then fall over big time.
Tell your friend I have an excel spread sheet that does the same thing but better (finds the best price from each tab) that he can have for free.


24th March 2006, 09:51 AM
You're a scholar and a gentleman brownie. .........Anyway here's what my mate emailed to me last night - I'll blank out the bits to save the moderator some time.
<!--StartFragment -->
Aahh the internet,
Nothing like an anonymous relatively unregulated forum to bring out the best in people. I would love to meet Davez and listen to more pearls of his wisdom. Anyhoo thanks for the tip. I am not sure if the forum members are talking about the same scheme. Can any of them email you off forum and name names? I would be curious. Just to fill you in the company selling the license for **** for one year or *** for 2 years is ****** *******. They call the Product ****** ******* ****** . They take the money from an account with a company called ****. They are only entitled to take 5% of that money at any time to wager. They can only do this twice a week. Therefore if it was a scam they would get the *** or ***straight away and the mark would be able to retrieve his money less some percentage (ie the time taken to find out there were constant losses because the scheme was a scam). The link to the scam site did not have any hits for any of the above mentioned companies. So I would be curious if your net goons actually are referring to exactly the same scheme or are reacting to the fact that most things of this ilk are indeed scams.

24th March 2006, 10:33 AM
sounds like a different bunch
Though it may be the same mob with a different modus operandi

27th March 2006, 06:34 PM
i have just sent that link to myself at work, ill pass it to the wifes boss, im sure he will be interested, its got them on it,

Well Done Bhagwan.

27th March 2006, 06:50 PM
just relaying what i would do with a friend exhibiting similar signs of stupidity kv, in fact i did have to help a mate wakeup to himself once, not that he was going to outlay anything like your friend, i did everything except the bitchslap as he was to big & i was sh.itscared

& yes, his missus evertually did clear out with a fair bundle

27th March 2006, 08:13 PM
I never cease to be amazed at what people I regard as intelligent will believe. This guy has an IQ in the top half a percent of the population but seems to have been sucked in by a scheme that people much more stupid would see as a rip off. I think he's still tossing up whether to buy in to it.
Buying a system or buying tips is one thing but virtually giving money to a third party to bet with is the height of stupidity as far as I can see. If they can make money betting with your cash why wouldn't they just bet with their own cash and keep the winnings? Still, I have to say that I give up pretty easy in cases like this. You tell people what you think and if they don't want to listen it's up to them.

28th March 2006, 08:15 AM
Hey PP - can I interest you in this gambling system I have, only $6000 - you just put your hand in this hat and pull out one of the beans....

Only joking mate - each to their own I say. :)

28th March 2006, 05:17 PM
Hey PP - can I interest you in this gambling system I have, only $6000 - you just put your hand in this hat and pull out one of the beans....

Only joking mate - each to their own I say. :)

I must have lead a very sheltered life?