View Full Version : Soccer Betting and Stats

17th April 2006, 10:57 AM
Hi everyone,

Just got into the sports betting recently, having been a horse and dog punter for a long time. Did a search about a month ago for soccer sites and came up with one that looked good called SoccerVista at "www.soccervista.com" and have been using their stats etc to make by selections.

Thursday 13/4/06 couldn't get into the site with it saying check the address and try "refresh" etc. I thought their server might be down over the Easter period but now I am getting "Forbidden. I am not allowed to access the site".

Does anyone know this site? Does one need to be some sort of member or pay some subscription fees?

I access other sites that advertise this site and you would think that clicking on the link would bring up some home page that I could get "member and subscription fee" info from but all are "forbidden" for me to access.

Any help is appreciated.

17th April 2006, 12:00 PM
I get the same error.

Typically such errors are meaningless. And it probably is just some server error with no one having bothered to fix it yet.

17th April 2006, 07:17 PM
Thanks JFC,

Was starting to think that my pc had been locked out by the server, or some such thing.

Will just have to persevere and see what happens by Wednesday which would be well and truly after their easter long weekend.

18th April 2006, 05:35 AM
Evidently resurrected now, in part, acknowledging some server hard drive problems.

Not the easest thing to resolve over a long holiday weekend.

19th April 2006, 09:11 AM
Yes, this is good to see. I like the site and how they have all their stats disseminated.

Does anyone know of similar sites with a breakup of stats like theirs? Most other sites that come up when one does a search do not appear to have anything similar.

AND for that matter what about anything like it for other sports?

I have started to keep stats in the same fashion as they do for the NRL and AFL to see if that can help this novice pick the odd winner.

Hope everyone had a good Easter (and winning one).

24th April 2006, 09:42 PM
yep theres lots ....I use Betexplorer dot com very good site

25th April 2006, 08:47 AM
Thanks Floydyboy,

Looks very interesting. Will have to check it out thoroughly.

25th April 2006, 01:20 PM
and while your at it check the links......By virtue of its poularity, european soccer sites and information are abundantly available at the push of a button.
Where ya from Foggy ....I was born and raised in Blacktown (20yrs) Hornsby (20 yrs) Central coast (5yrs) and here in Brisvegas 6 years

Something about the site ; Just clik 'soccer' then theright hand side there is a list of countries ,
eg England ,Clik ,select league you want to look at ie premier league 05-06
When the page opens you will have the ladder (home and away) and some results below (with prices) scroll to the bottom of the results and you will see view all matches ,clik , and the whole seasons games will come up ....hope that helps ...........Floydy

25th April 2006, 02:11 PM
hey mate i grew up at hornsby heights started punting at the old pub and moved on to the rsl and finally over to the tab next door to claud fays.gee went back there last year and couldnt believe the development. biggger than chatswood and just as many as%$#s too. lol

26th April 2006, 12:18 AM
Yes, looks very good. Like the way you can check out 2 competing teams previous plays together.

Lived in Sydney southern suburbs for 49 years and doesn't look like I am going anywhere else.

When time permits it will be interesting to see what I get out of this site and the one I have been using at "www.soccervista.com".

Thanks for the tip.

26th April 2006, 09:03 PM
Soccervista was the first site that I used that had the prices alongside the results.
Then I stumbled onto betexplorer been there ever since ...theres probably better ones around (as I said theres a squillion of em ) ......realistically if you want info about soccer sites the best places to go (with no disrespect for anybody here) are english sites with forums on them ......Gooners guide is good ,a lot of the people on there live for their soccer .
BBC Sport is a good site as well for pre match reports and such ...I go there regularly ...........I like Liverpool tonite and FC Zurich.....Now that Ive posted it one of ems sure to fall over (the forum curse ) but alas its all too late for that......... the money's on

26th April 2006, 09:19 PM
www.soccerbot.com (http://www.soccerbot.com/)

not quite so odds-driven, more a statistics haven, my number one resource.

Oh and floyd indeed on paper zurich look good value @ 1.80.

27th April 2006, 12:11 AM
The Zurich game wasn't available on SportingBet before I went to work this arvo so I only got on at $1.75 when I got home but I agree they look like the winners. So, no mockas, but I hope IF one of them falls it better be Liverpool, sorry.

I may as well mocka myself by saying I've had bets on Danish teams "Braband" and "Kolding" at $2.35 and $1.70 respectively.

How would one find results for Japanese Nabisco Cup games played at 8pm 26/4/06? Not listed anywhere I can find.

27th April 2006, 06:03 AM
www.xscores.com (http://www.xscores.com)


27th April 2006, 08:26 AM
Well, I only got 2 out of 3, which results in a small profit. Good to see Floydyboy got his double of Liverpool/Zurich.

Thanks to both of you for all the great sites to check out.