View Full Version : 8 Bet Place Staking Plan (No.2)

7th August 2002, 08:42 PM
Here`s a plan that works well if you have a 65%+ place srike rate.

1st. bet $1
2nd. bet $2
3rd. bet $3 etc. up to the
8th. bet $8 ,then stop if you have stuck 2 or less place getters any where within the 8 bet sequence, you stop & start afresh from $1.00

The idea is to progressivly increase your bet , whether it is placed or not , until you have struck your 3rd. place getter within the 8 bet sequence , then start again.
As soon as you have your 3rd. place getter , start afresh, profit or not.
Cost is $36
It`s an idea to have 5 lots of $36=$180

You will find some sequences will show a loss & others will show a profit , thats OK because its the overall profit that we are after after 40 bets.

It`s advisable to trial this over at least 150 of your past race selections before you take this plan on.

7th August 2002, 09:13 PM

It is supposed to read.

8th. bet if you have struck 3 ( not 2 as previously stated) or less placegetters in the 8 bet sequence , you stop & start again .