9th May 2006, 08:27 AM
Can anyone verify the rumour circulating that the WIZARD racing paper is no more - replaced by internet access ONLY.
9th May 2006, 09:51 AM
Understand 12th of May will be their last edition.
9th May 2006, 10:13 AM
Thank you.
Pity really as I liked the convenience of the paper.
9th May 2006, 10:24 AM
Just received a very nice reply from Warren on the everyrace site.
Last edition this Thursday.
Mr. Logic
9th May 2006, 11:26 AM
Pity. Wizard Direct will give you the same information as the Wizard newspaper for the same price plus additional meetings for a Saturday but it will obviously be a bit much printing out everything for even one meeting. I'm used to scribbling and scrawling and circling stuff with red ink on my weekly Wizard. Won't be able to do that with a pdf file in my computer.
Chrome Prince
9th May 2006, 12:13 PM
Sadly, this is the direction of publishing now, it won't be long before only magazines are available at a newsagent.
Newspapers and even the Trading Post are all going to be E-zines.
I like the traditional form of publishing, feeling the paper, looking at the pictures etc.
It comes down to cost, they will still publish cut down versions of the paper for commuters etc, but why pay for paper, labour, ink etc, when you can pay one or two web publishers and still charge the same amount?
9th May 2006, 01:42 PM
Don't worry, newspapers aren't going anywhere fast, not the big daily's anyhow. Smaller carriers such as independent form publishers and the like they operate on low budgets and moving online probably represents a good economic decision for them. The big papers eg Tele, Aussie and Herald, they have such a large distribution, revenue from commmercials and accessible to all parts and demographics of the nation that I can confidently say they will still be around for at least 20 years. My old man works for News Limited and their revenue outstrip their expenses by a phenomenal amount on a daily basis. News Limited (or Fairfax for that matter) would not have spent tens of millions to develop their incredible printing premises at Chullora if they were to be rendered obselete within a matter of years.
10th May 2006, 11:46 AM
Mr Logic - I also like to scribble/highlight all over the Wizard paper. To overcome the problem with Wizard Direct, I got Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0 and use the highlighting tools in the "Commenting" menu. It's not ideal, but its better than printing all those pages out.
10th May 2006, 04:10 PM
The mirror [long gone but the best ever] and now wizard, Hope winning post hangs in there. Have to get my gossip from somewhere.
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