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11th June 2006, 09:58 PM
Just a quick summary for tomorrow lads...,,feels better when the bank account is healthy...hoping for another big day :)

Race 1.
A fun little scamper to start the day off,,,thought She's All Greek from the inside a chance...Shes in great form and will get the good run here...Octanee runs better 2nd up and with Beadman on board will run well...Dont tell tom weighted nicely in this ,,just not sure hes at his best.....these look the 3 for me...will see what the prices are like but Octanee rates highest...beadman kills the price though..not a fan of this race..will need some value..

Race 2.
Thought Rampant Lion a great chance here..finished nicely last start and the track and distance suits...alley is awkward but its a good starting position..Zauberie powered home last start and will have to do it all over again but you atleast know he can run the distance..3rd run in now so will be improved....but he'll be a mile back,,,,Lebron will race forward and the one to beat for mind..hes a strong horse and the breed are going well,,he'll appreciate the better track here after racing on that dodgy Randwick surface of late.....these the 3 for me...looks a good trifecta race...
Lebron the safe bet....if theres value around Rampant Lion e/w allday..

Race 3.
Dont like this race much...maybe Grand Reve who won nicely at Ipswich the other day...

RAce 4.
Spirit of Tara just has to win this doesnt he ?? fantastic run last start from a mile back,,,,the form around him all this prep has been first class,,,he looks a class above them....if he wasnt such a nonwinner youd be putting the house on...
Spuruson and Smart and Mighty big dangers....the honest Prosecution /Cool Front/Saxon in the mix...
Spirit of Tara...rates to high for me not to back him......

RAce 5.
Hard for me not to be on Grecolo again here...very solid win last start and can handle all types of ground...
Fashions even from the bad gate the one to beat....i always seem to take on this horse and shes bit me a few times...i'm hoping Century Surb takes her on...not sure he will though as he'll need to settle to run this trip..but from the wide barrier Prince Arthur might press forward......how good was Masai Pride the other day,,just flew home....
Diamondsondinside has been steady ,,,maybe Bruce has had this race as his target all along...personally i'd have liked to see alittle more but dont leave him out of multis....Funlove/Nova Star great lead up races....to many horses...
Grecolo has enough barrier speed to get a position but this is a tuff race..
Letter of Intent is another whos been good to me..and rates high here...
I'm a loyal punter so i'll be on both these at the odds ...,,a very open race if your not a fashions fan..

Race 6.
I liked the last 50m or so of Lasaron last start..he just grabed the bit and jumped out of the ground...surprised me alittle as i didnt rate the breed at all...but theres no denying his last sectionals...he'll love the open spaces here...
nice odds at the moment as well..

RAce 7.
Arts Success heads the ratings.....hard not to back him and should be around the $5 mark,,,i'm already on Classic Karla at 26's...shes actually paying 35's at the moment i think...not always a good idea to be backing them early..I still like him e/w ,,,i like hes prep i like his runs..last start he raced 4 5 wide the whole way and still held his position...
i think if he gets the good run from the ideal barrier hes right in this...
I'm having alittle fun with the multis in this race...i think a Dont tell clang or a Coalmaine could grab places here...
Desert Master the one to beat of course,,,i also think Bazelle will take off up the front and try and pinch it and if she doesnt she sets it up for a his brothers horse in Desert Master.....wouldnt be surprised at all
Go Classic Karla :)

RAce 8.
How good a run was Omnitrader last start...went nuts up front to be only beaten 4lengths...the horse is going well this prep,,,i like him even with the weight and awkward barrier...he'll find this easier than last start and i'll get a price..

Best bets.. Spirit of Tara, Lebron, Arts Success,
Best e/ws...Grecolo,Lasaron.
Best Roughie.. Classic Karla ,Diamondsondinside

Good Luck All :)

Good Look,Bound to
Stratagee gee, Intriguing,Paris Zero,JaquesLeNaif
Cabernet Now,
Premium Dry
Wariick Farm
Prince of Midnight,Opal Chip,

11th June 2006, 10:19 PM
Hey Mav,

Haven't done anything on them tomorrow, have had too much on. Thought Art Success should go close in the cup...has been building to this race for a while now. And Lasoron was a nice effort last time and EF 1600m is great.

Good Luck


12th June 2006, 06:00 AM
The track is going to be a bit cut up and with a drying wind it will be patchy and a bit of a mess today doesn't matter what they do to it. Might keep most of my money in my pocket as there will be lots of surprises I think, depending how the runs go.

SAXON in r4 for a bit of ew and DESERT MASTER ew with Williams drawing a perfect ally for this mid-pacer, will do me for the cup.

Good luck.

12th June 2006, 09:55 AM
Here are the ratings that my new method has come up with today. Again, not all that keen really with the track conditions.

3 SHE'S ALL GREEK - 90 - $3.3
5 OCTANEE - 72 - $4.2
7 SAINTS GLORY - 60 - $5.0
4 NOBLE GENT - 57 - $5.3
9 DEFECTING PLAYBOY - 12 - $25.7

2 RAMPANT LION - 63 - $4.7
6 CON CON - 43 - $6.9
1 LE BRON - 40 - $7.5
4 FIERY SUNSET - 37 - $8.2
7 DOWN TO EARTH - 37 - $8.2
14 COME IN SPANNER - 28 - $10.6
3 ZAUBEREI - 18 - $16.4
5 RA RA RULENZO - 13 - $22.5

12 SIRMIONE - 77 - $3.9
5 GO SEQUALO - 68 - $4.4
7 NELLIE GOT THERE - 50 - $6.0
2 O'CALLAHERN - 30 - $10.0
3 BRAMBLETYE - 27 - $11.3
6 GRAND REVE - 23 - $12.9
11 SIMPLEX - 13 - $22.5

9 ANWAAR - 83 - $3.6
2 COOL FRONT - 67 - $4.5
1 SPIRIT OF TARA - 47 - $6.4
7 SPURUSON - 22 - $13.8
13 BEAT THAT - 22 - $13.8
3 SMART AND MIGHTY - 13 - $22.5
8 MITANNI - 13 - $22.5
14 MR SPORTSMAN - 12 - $25.7
16 MR HORNBLOWER - 10 - $30.0

17 FASHIONS AFIELD - 97 - $3.1
12 PRINCE ARTHUR - 48 - $6.2
9 LETTER OF INTENT - 40 - $7.5
11 MASAI PRIDE - 33 - $9.0
7 GRECOLO - 32 - $9.5
1 CENTURY SERB - 25 - $12.0
2 COMMEMORATING - 8 - $36.0
14 RUMBIRD - 8 - $36.0

6 REIGNING TO WIN - 87 - $3.5
1 DANLEIGH - 83 - $3.6
7 UPPER ECHELON - 45 - $6.7
5 LASORON - 25 - $12.0
14 INVAULT - 15 - $20.0
2 FURIO - 12 - $25.7

6 DESERT MASTER - 68 - $4.4
1 MAHTOUM - 65 - $4.6
5 ART SUCCESS - 65 - $4.6
4 COALESCE - 25 - $12.0
7 GORGEOUS GEORGE - 25 - $12.0
2 BAZELLE - 18 - $16.4
10 REGGIE - 8 - $36.0
12 GAME ON - 8 - $36.0

3 ROMARE - 78 - $3.8
5 DUKE SAM - 73 - $4.1
6 MONTE CAVALLO - 55 - $5.5
1 OMNITRADER - 48 - $6.2
4 SIR SUCCESS - 20 - $15.0
10 RIVER HUNTER - 13 - $22.5
14 CIANARA - 5 - $60.0

9 PARIS ZERO - 75 - $4.0
1 STRATTON PLACE - 68 - $4.4
5 OUR APACHE - 58 - $5.1
10 BROKAW - 40 - $7.5
7 GHOST PARTY - 28 - $10.6
4 DANDY KID - 25 - $12.0
3 FONOME - 7 - $45.0

6 JAQUES LE NAIF - 85 - $3.5
2 OAMARU STORM - 57 - $5.3
7 MONO ROCK - 52 - $5.8
1 UNDER THE BRIDGE - 30 - $10.0
9 SHAG ON A ROCK - 30 - $10.0
8 LEROY THE BOY - 27 - $11.3
12 CLAVILLO - 17 - $18.0

12th June 2006, 10:57 AM
Haven't had time to check other races but like
Noble gent in the 1st .
giddy up

Raw Instinct
12th June 2006, 10:59 AM
Haven't got time to do my tips but I will just do a quick list of what I liked in each race

1: Defecting Playboy, Octanee
2: King Latarmiss, Zauberei, Sea Drive, Bambu
3: Tomkins, Simplex, Zipper Club
4: Spuruson, Smart and Mighty, Silky Red Boxer, Thee Auld Hussie
5: Letter of Intent, Commemorating, Rumbird

This is as far as I have gotten with the form so far.

12th June 2006, 11:17 AM
Good start, Raw.

Raw Instinct
12th June 2006, 11:18 AM
Very nice thanks mate

Raw Instinct
12th June 2006, 11:25 AM
Race 6: Lasoron, Upper Echelon, Invault, Eye Eye Silver
Race 7: Pentathon, Art Success, Petulengro, Empyreal
Race 8: Duke Sam, Romare, Cianara.

12th June 2006, 11:37 AM
sea drive, le bron, rampant lion, zauberei

roughie hanalei bay

Raw Instinct
12th June 2006, 12:07 PM
slowseriousstab not a bad effort there mate got Hanalei Bay at very nice odds for the place and Le Bron was just far to good for them.

12th June 2006, 12:17 PM
slowseriousstab not a bad effort there mate got Hanalei Bay at very nice odds for the place and Le Bron was just far to good for them.

cheers raw ;)

lets see how we go in the next with sirmione, go sequalo, leondari on ice

roughies ocallahern, sebastien

12th June 2006, 12:18 PM
race 5 century serb, commemorating

race 6 upper echelon a special

race 7 mahtoum, bazelle, sculptor

12th June 2006, 12:41 PM
sirmione, go sequalo, leondari on ice

Going well!

Raw Instinct
12th June 2006, 01:06 PM
going well there slowseriousstab

Just got a nice win and quinella with Smart and Mighty and Spuruson myself.

12th June 2006, 01:09 PM
9 ANWAAR - 83 - $3.6
2 COOL FRONT - 67 - $4.5
1 SPIRIT OF TARA - 47 - $6.4
7 SPURUSON - 22 - $13.8
13 BEAT THAT - 22 - $13.8
3 SMART AND MIGHTY - 13 - $22.5
8 MITANNI - 13 - $22.5
14 MR SPORTSMAN - 12 - $25.7
16 MR HORNBLOWER - 10 - $30.0

Hmmm, for a mere $756 :eek: I could have boxed all 9 rated runners for a 1/4 unit and scooped the unitab first 4 pool. ;)

Raw Instinct
12th June 2006, 01:13 PM
hindsight mate ;)

well done though was a tough race to sort out that one must say I doubted that Mitanni would run the trip out.

Raw Instinct
12th June 2006, 01:37 PM
Got Rumbird as my top selection here now thought it looked pretty good in the mounting yard

12th June 2006, 01:46 PM
I just knew that Nova Star should have been in the ratings somewhere. One of those occasions when you don't agree with what your ratings come up with. Not sure what to do in situations like that.

12th June 2006, 05:34 PM
Hi Guys :) what a day ...
Lebron , Arts Success and Omnitrader ...fantastic result..just love the Brissie carnivals,,this is my third year with figures and its always been good to me..
Had a big go on Boundto in Ballina today aswell...just got alittle silly late in the day ,,but he did rate on top clearly...
Kicking my self about Nova Star and Smart and Mighty...both horses i've been on of late...did manage a few very nice tri and 1st4 results today...
Dam Scupltor in the Cup ...always some donkey gets up there and ruins it for me...had pentathon and just about every other horse,,
The Lebron race my biggest result...

a few Losses down south..still picking a stack of palcegetters....

have a heap of videos to get stuck into...

My Shout at the bar boys...top shelf included :)

Theres still a few good meets to go around the place (ipswich,Sunny Coast)...so i'll throw a few thoughts around about todays and Saturdays races when i've had a look at the video...good to hear Raw and Svens ect take on them aswell...

12th June 2006, 06:45 PM
Hey Mav,

Congrats on a good day (and carnival by the sound of it). Art Success took an eternity to get to them today, but it was a well deserved win for this bloke, hes promised to do it for a while now, and i'm glad he got there today.

Great to see Tony Pattillo get a group 1 too, hes been riding in great form lately and he seems like a really nice bloke. Every time they interview him on SKY, hes always got something positive to say about his horses. I hope he has lots more success in the future.

Reigning to Win was a good win, was a bit good for these. Danleigh was a top run for second...these are the 2 most promising ones to come out of it...though i think some of the ones finishing back in the field will develop into nice 3yos - Lasoron and Upper Echelon in particular.

In the Guineas, well....Nova Star just had the last shot at em. They went pretty hard early and Fashions afield looked to have them beaten at the 200m, but Nova Star chewed up the ground late to score. Thought the run of Funlove was a good effort. While she had a nice run on the inside and didn't cover any extra ground, to get so close to these quality 3yos was a great effort. Had a wrap on her for a while, and i think there are better races in store in the future.

Overall, it was a good carnival at EF (and Doomben), but in my view the form to come out of some of the races will be dubious because of the track. With horses scouting so wide, the inside brigade didn't have their chance to 'show their stuff'. Thats taking nothing away from the winners though - its great to see Queenslanders winning 3 of the 4 group 1s at EF too :D.


Raw Instinct
12th June 2006, 08:31 PM
Was certainly a far better end of the carnival for me than the last couple of weeks have been, Got a couple of nice winners in Defecting Playboy, Smart and Mighty and Art Success who I had promoted to my top bet by the time the race had rolled around just thought he had to win to be honest. The Brisbane Cup has been a real good race to me I have only really been punting for about 5 years now (I bet before then just not all year long usually if I wasn't working or playing football) in 2002 I backed both Prized Gem and Nauders in the cup both were great results, 2003 I backed Piachay and County Tyrone got the quinella and the trifecta, 2004 I backed one horse and really had a good go at him that was Danestorm thought he was nearly a sure thing, 2005 I backed Portland Singa only and also had a double go over from St. Basil to her had a great one there and this year I backed 2 horses Art Success and Pentathon well one won the other run 4th.

Maybe I should leave my betting to one day a year it would be far more profitable sure looks like it should be my fav day of the year anyway.

Well done to Mav and Sven you guys are always going well with your tips mine usually go better if I just keep them to myself I hate giving tips to anyone as I feel guilty if the damn nag does nothing. Best time of the year IMO Stradbroke day only has one peer as far as a punting standpoint and that is VRC Derby Day that is the top day for the year IMO.

12th June 2006, 08:59 PM
The more tipsters the better Raw...its good to look at all different views of a race,,,sometimes we might have overlooked something,,,especially regarding tempo ect..
Arts Success was a good result...would have preffered the $13,000 i would have got if Classic Karla could have jagged it...but a wins a win....
only backed the horse once...i really didnt rate him initially but hes been the form stayer all prep...and bred to run allday..
i was prepared to lay Desert Master allday..i like taking on these southerners that think they can come up here for an easy kill...
fashions afield aswell :)