View Full Version : Help with Retirement staking plan

2nd October 2006, 05:11 PM
Does anyone have a spreadsheet type programme to auto check a set of results using the Retirement Staking Plan ? or is it a case of having to do the excercise long hand?? any help appreciated.

2nd October 2006, 08:19 PM
Hi Partypooper.
I got this of this site quite a long time ago and is still works. I am sure it will help a lot of others as well, because it is an excellent approach to money management.



2nd October 2006, 08:58 PM
THANKS ENJAY, however I've realised that it is not going to work with what I had in mind although there was a small % profit (about 6%) but the average Divi was 1/1, so it doesn't seem to work with a divisor of 2. I was hoping to use it to lift the POT, but seems not?

3rd October 2006, 03:58 AM
Try Ozracetools
Target betting program.


Set it to win say 3 units a race plus recover losses with a $900 bank.

Divisor in the expected div column goes like this, in lots of 2, on a string of outs...
$2.50,2.50,$3.00,3.00,3.50,3.50,4.00,4.00,4.50,4.50,5.00,5.00,5.50 ect

Reduce to previous divisor ,once a placegetter is struck.
e.g. $2.50L 2.50L 3.00L 3.00L 3.50p 3.00p 2.50L 2.50L 3.00p 2.50p Ect.
It will automaticaly reset itself once 3+ units in front.

One will see that it will usually show a profit on any resonable set of selections. If one is striking some reasonable divs along the way.
If it falls over , maybe the bank has to be made larger.

Another plan is to simply....

Go up the Ladder 123456789ect Win, Loose or Draw until crushing it into profit , hoping that one does not strike 20 looses in a row.
Bank needed $1:913 for a run of 40
Going up the ladder ,regardless of result, then start again as soon as any profit is made.

Let us know which one works best for you , after checking it against some of your past results.


3rd October 2006, 10:33 AM
Thank's Bhagwan, actually it is a win plan (with a twist), but same thing. I'll try those progressions out, with those haunting God like words ringing in my head that no progreession works, we'll see

3rd October 2006, 01:04 PM
Bhagwan, ok so here is the result of the Target thing (by the way can you download that or not?)
A bit longwinded to do 4 years results so I took the worst set of results with a run of 16 bets between divies of at least $2, with 14 divies from 16 with less than $2, some at less than $1 (as selections are bracketed and counted as one bet)
LEVEL STAKES = LOT of 19.5% (ouch)

Targeting $10 per race with a fixed Divisor of $2 (which is the Ave. divi) $1000 max bank.

Result= PROFIT of $448, = 5.8% POT, in theory sounds great, BUT at bet 15 there was $931 outstanding, next bet = $1081 which won and saved the bacon. NOW, I emphasise that this was the WORST set of 16 bets in 4 years, but my prognosis is .......... TOO HAIRY FOR ME.

Could be though ,that using a greater divisor may reduce the bets to an acceptable level, although it will take longer to reach the target as ..say... if we were using a divisor of 3, we obviously need a Divi of $3 to reach the target, which happens of course but longer droughts.

I'll repeat the excercise using the "cruncher" and see what happens.

3rd October 2006, 01:39 PM
Expected strike rate X expected win dividend X .08 ( thats point 08)= MAXIMUM divisor.

MINIMUM divisor is the same as your expected win dividend )


3rd October 2006, 02:50 PM
Yes Darky all that is good on a plan where you might have 25% winners with an average divi of $4, but it doesn't work where you have (as IS the case here) returns 80% of the time with an average divi of $2, (which means of course that some divies are less than $1, this is because some selections are bracketed)

So even though there is POT of 5%, most staking plans don't work with it.

4th October 2006, 01:53 PM
I didnt read the whole thread.
