10th November 2006, 02:31 PM
Hi all, I was wondering if experienced researchers of form would share info about the resources they use?
I am new at this and have practised studying the tips given here using them as a means of learning how to study form....the results have been that I study the meagre resources I have (papers or aap racing site) sit back scratching my head and think the tipster must have been slipped some acid yet then listen to the tipped horse fly home....very frustrating and I think one reason is there are much more detailed resources available but I don't know what they are.(The obvious other is I have so much to learn but that's what this post is about!)
I can't view races as I don't have the media access, pity as this is the very best way for me to spot good form, so I hope to get some pointers of good internet resources instead!
Do you look up breeding of horses...how far back?
What is more important...class/weight/times/recent form?
Any and all advice on resources appreciated, even books and breeding info sites would be helpful.
On this topic, let me add my appreciation to punters who tip and tell us why....track details and characteristics of how certain horses run and so on...these reasons for your tips allow us to learn how to approach choosing selections and I really really appreciate it.
Gracias in advance------diogenes

Horse Whisperer
10th November 2006, 04:31 PM
Im no EXPRT at reading FORM by any stretch of the imagination DOT COM. But ive found the website which i dont think can be mentioned on this site very helpful and has improved my strikerate, so to speak, since joining and using their free service.

I started a similar thread a couple of months ago, so if you wanna have a look through the history you will probably find it and save ppl typing reposts.

10th November 2006, 04:59 PM
Im no EXPRT at reading FORM by any stretch of the imagination DOT COM. But ive found the website which i dont think can be mentioned on this site very helpful and has improved my strikerate, so to speak, since joining and using their free service.

I started a similar thread a couple of months ago, so if you wanna have a look through the history you will probably find it and save ppl typing reposts.

Tips hat to Horse Whisperer...LMAO....

10th November 2006, 08:48 PM

One of the founders of the cynics! Don't know what that says.

The NSW Tab site does allow you (as long as you are signed up) to see the races on video or to listen on radio. It is less than perfect --- at least on my creaking old computer --- but it is much better than nothing, and is free.


10th November 2006, 09:24 PM

One of the founders of the cynics! Don't know what that says.

***My cynical response....Sure you do! <grin>

The NSW Tab site does allow you (as long as you are signed up) to see the races on video or to listen on radio. It is less than perfect --- at least on my creaking old computer --- but it is much better than nothing, and is free.

This is really great news Merriguy, I'll give it a shot.
Diogenes means, watch for a dry and dark and completely irreverent sense of humour, good humoured teasing and a little cynicism along the way!
We can make money out of this punting racket can't we?