View Full Version : Has this site become 'buggy' or is it just me?

22nd November 2006, 04:12 AM
Recently I seem to be having trouble with this website. Opening threads and new pages etc.

I have no such problems on any other web sites I visit. My security system often 'filters' forever before opening a new page here and often it won't allow the page to be opened at all without repeated new and persistent attempts.

I wonder if there has been any new 'features' added to this site lately, or in someones adverts. that management aren't aware off?

Something is different here anyway that isn't conducive to visiting the site.

22nd November 2006, 05:45 AM
I've also been having problems with the site over the past few days, but knowing little about computers I just assumed it was my computer being tempermental or infected by something my defence software could not clean, but now to my relief it's not.

22nd November 2006, 06:56 AM
Yes crash, it seems to have slowed right down when navigating through thread to thread. I wonder what's happened?

22nd November 2006, 07:14 AM
I've had a similar problem; but not just for days --- for quite a few months. Sometimes things go as they should; at others it simply won't open. Like others I have blamed it on my rather old (as far as computers go) machine!

22nd November 2006, 09:01 AM
I've had a similar problem; but not just for days --- for quite a few months. Sometimes things go as they should; at others it simply won't open. Like others I have blamed it on my rather old (as far as computers go) machine!

Yes, it has been happening for some time and I too, often can't even open the site !

Not good for visitor numbers and after reading the other comments here, i ran a multiple security check [I have an arsenal] on my PC before re-visiting to make sure my computer is squeaky clean, logging out and re-running the security sweep.

Sure enough, this site is depositing a little 'uninvited guest' onto my PC and I don't mean the friendly cookie. Nothing serious, but enough to be down right annoying!

22nd November 2006, 09:55 AM
Well I did a check and the 'guests' are just MRU lists. 5 of them [MRU: most recently visited web pages]. Nothing nasty there, but my security system has forced me to add this site to my 'trusted zone' to minimize problems here.
It's just too buggy otherwise.

23rd November 2006, 03:44 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

We're looking into it. Preliminary report back from our main IT person is that the server load is too great and we may have to upgrade.

If that decision is taken it should be less than 2 weeks before the new server is operational. The main issue is the expense and whether there is any other solution to the problem that could avoid the extra expenditure. A large part of the load is the massive amount of spam we are subjected to, many thousands of e-mails a day that the server has to assess, virus check and sort

Thanks for your patience while we resolve the issue.

23rd November 2006, 03:51 PM
I don't know if this means anything but since posting my problem a few days ago I have had no trouble with the site.

23rd November 2006, 04:00 PM
Worst time for me is first thing in the morning and for me that's between 4am and 6am., so I can't see a server load problem from visitors, although spam would do it from O/S around that time.

The site has grown and it becomes a delicate balance between bandwidth and cost effectiveness. Too little or too much of one, always effects the other. It does sound like the site needs a little more investment in bandwidth perhaps [if that's the problem].

23rd November 2006, 08:20 PM
Crash - thanks for highlighting .

I, like I'm sure many others, tend to think these little niggly things at first are just our own system or our own network temporary problems, and will "go away".

I'm sure I speak for many others in stating that if we didn't have this particular forum access and the tremendous dialogue exchange and the stuff we are all learning from it and the comradeship, albeit sort of distant, - our lives would really take a knock, and our daily activities ......aw shucks you know what I mean
So thank you Management for taking it on board and hope that you can keep up your position as the outstanding NUMBER ONE punters friend.


23rd November 2006, 11:49 PM
Thanks for the 'bouquet', Mancunian... we get enough brickbats!

Yes, a forum community can become quite a big part of a person's life if they are a real enthusiast in a certain area. We see this very clearly sometimes in cases where someone is creating a bad atmosphere and we have to ban them. Some people get very upset and it's almost as if we've taken their family away.

Crash is right, it is the volume of spam we get from overseas that is causing problems, unbelievable amounts that have steadily built up over our years of operation. The actual member traffic shouldn't cause a problem even on our busiest days, as we do lease our own dedicated server.

We are currently researching whether a big injection of extra RAM might do the trick or whether it's best to just bite the bullet and lease a new, much more powerful server. The issue of how to address the problem should be resolved shortly and the changes effective within about a week.

Thanks for bringing the matter to our attention. We can just as easily suffer from "maybe my own computer is the problem" syndrome as you can, so member feedback is very useful.

24th November 2006, 05:38 AM

The paging file is little more than [free] quasi hard-drive RAM and the below RAM tweak is a well known one with PC Gamers who need all the RAM they can get. Worth a try anyway as it can only improve things regardless.

Increase the paging file [swap file] size to 2 1/2 times [no more] your present RAM size for both min. and max. paging file size. Here's how: Right click my computer/properties/advanced tab/click on performance 'settings'/advanced/under virtual memory click on 'change'/tick 'custom size'/ 1000mb = 1G of ram, so if you have 1G of ram set both min. and max to 2500mb or 2 1/2 times whatever RAM size you have/click on 'set'/OK and re-boot.
Note*Setting both min. and max. to the same size stops paging file fragmentation and useless and constant auto. re-sizing.

Also turn off your auto indexing service which uses a lot of RAM [uselessly] but is not required for most PC usages and especially for what your doing.

Here's how: Right click 'my computer' /manage/double click Services and applications/click on 'Services'/ scroll to and single click on 'Indexing services'/under service description in the left column, click on 'Stop this service'/now double click on indexing services to open it /under 'startup type' select 'disable'. close and re-boot.

You will have a marked free up of RAM space and a general system performance increase with the above tweaks. Stability will not be affected and in fact will improve stability.

If you want some advice on how to stop spam [without expensive software] just using certain settings and command lines, let me know. I get ZERO spam with Outlook Express without any special software.


24th November 2006, 06:27 AM
The symptoms of extreme sluggishness reappeared early this morning when almost no one else was using the system.

So perhaps the server gets clogged up following late night activity and can't figure how to unclog itself.

A reboot would probably get things moving again.

It's probably worthwhile trying to verify if reboots fix the problem. If so then throwing more hardware at the problem might be a waste of money.

24th November 2006, 07:43 AM
Black Viper:

This guy has been around for a very long time and his XP services/Email set -up guides are highly respected by good Tech. sites.

Here is his email set up guide [without buying software] for Outlook Express to avoid SPAM.


Chrome Prince
24th November 2006, 10:19 AM
Odds on the problem is to do with services stopping and starting when in standby mode. If your tech goes into the event viewer on the server he will see various services marked with warnings. If the site is going offline during the night (I've experienced this also), then your email exchange server will also be affected. Also ask him to turn off power saving mode on the network card, USB devices, and modem. Power saving mode also sends the server offline with limited use.

The symptoms of this server are pretty much inline with the troubles I face when called out to a business. Increasing ram is the fix that techs suggest when they cannot fix the software :) Ram will not fix these problems. If you really want an improvement in the server, upgrade the hard drives to double the size - you could even be running out of room, also make sure the backups are writing correctly - sometimes backups that fail write back onto the original drive causing slowdown and a full drive.

24th November 2006, 12:51 PM
Thank you all for the advice. The server is Linux, not Windows so although some of your recommendations are valid they are not necessarily appropriate in this scenario.

My background is one which has had me providing 2nd and 3rd level support for the entire workstation and server fleet for Australia's largest retailer Coles Myer along with close ties with HP and Microsoft for nearly a decade.

I have a thorough understanding of the current hardware and setup and am working with Management to determine the best course of action based on a cost benefit basis.

24th November 2006, 01:08 PM
Oh well Chrome, there goes our moment of 'tech' glory!

PS. My next tip was to GO LINUX!!!

24th December 2006, 04:06 PM
Okay, we've upgraded to a much better (and more expensive!) server, so it should go like a cut cat now

Thanks for the feedback and please let us know if the problems reappear.

Happy Christmas to all our forum members and visitors and successful punting in 2007.

24th December 2006, 05:00 PM
Good on ya.

Have a great Xmas and a prosperous New Year!

30th December 2006, 12:19 PM

Due to a miscommunication with Rikki, it turns out the migration has not occurred yet. Rikki is still working on the problem of minimising downtime.

I'll let you know here when the migration to the new server occurs.

A very happy and prosperous 2007 year to you, too.