View Full Version : Golden Silpper

22nd November 2006, 12:16 PM
I'm working on a system for next years Golden Slipper and was wondering what the major lead up races are.

I'm going to use the magic millions and the blue diamond. Any other races that i should consider.


23rd November 2006, 12:27 PM
I'm working on a system for next years Golden Slipper and was wondering what the major lead up races are.

I'm going to use the magic millions and the blue diamond. Any other races that i should consider.

You may have picked a difficult Group race Benny, *2yos*, - they can't work out what day it is yet, let alone which race they have to win - can't you pick
a 3yo Group race or something - if you are determined then .............

Their previous 2 *runs* before winning the GS can be in,

The Kindegarten Stks.
and then the
The Sweet Embrace
The Sweet Embrace
and then the
The Magic Night
The Kindegarten
and then the
The Reisling Slipper Trial
The Black Opal Preview
and then the
The Black Opal
The Skyline
and then the
The Pago Pago

There are probably other lead ups - if you know the last 10 or 12 GS winners
and have joined ******************** then it's a simple matter of looking in Horse History
for each winner and cross checking each, because you have their form back to day one.

