View Full Version : Off Topic Millenium Bug

Chrome Prince
30th March 2007, 05:41 PM
This is off topic, but I need to vent....

In the 1980's, even the most conservative businesses had staff who had product knowledge sessions, customer service protocols and company visions which meant the staff should know everything about all the products they sold.
If for some reason the staff did not know, they didn't have to be told to go out of their way to find out or at least refer the customer to someone more knowledgeable.

I have just returned from the most frustrating afternoon out in search of a sandblaster or even just a bead blaster, something advertised in both these corporate brochures.

Stop 1 : Staff member did not know what a bead blast was, referred me to a cheap and nasty $14.99 handheld device, which attaches to a compressor. Staff member did not know what else I would need or where to get it. Ended by said staff member looking blankly at me and telling me to go elsewhere.

Could not believe it.

Stop 2: Major hardware chain which advertises on T.V. as knowing all there is to know and helping customers. Staff member asks me why I want to use a sandblaster and looks blankly at me. You guessed it, never heard of a bead blaster either. Thinking perhaps staff member is new, go to the hire shop within. The guy looks again puzzled and says "we don't do them - try kennards". I go out the front, rip the brochure off the messageboard and hold it up in front of him.
"This is what you don't do?", say I.
"Oh,one of those", he says.
"Well what do you call it?", I say.
"A sandblaster", he says.

Now getting more than a little frustrated, someone knowledgeable comes over and says that they do stock them, but are out of stock.
So calming down a little, I ask the specs and what apparatus I need with it.
Guy doesn't know, but says they sell sand to go in it.

For those unaware, if you use sand, even with breathing apparatus, you stand to get silicosis of the lungs, you should only use garnet beads unless you have a special ventilation room.

I walk out on the guy and say "do some research mate - sand is deadly."

The moral of the story, I know only a little about sandblasting and was looking for advice, but I knew more about it than the professionals.
The millenium bug is here, no salespeople know anything about anything anymore,and what's more, they don't care as long as they get their paycheck and get you out the door - sale or no sale.

A very sad reflection on the current retail environment.

Tomorrow I'm going to Total Tools, at least I know they are professional.

30th March 2007, 06:23 PM
Your point is very correct in MOST businesses in Australia these days Chrome and has been so over the past 10 years or more.

Lazy staff with no product knowledge and a couldn,t care less attitude.

Any GOOD management would have sacked most of them within the 1st hour.Alas though many managements fit the same profile.


Chrome Prince
30th March 2007, 06:39 PM
The solution to lost sales and careless staff and management is to simply charge more, sack all the good staff and put on a couple of dimwits.

No wonder retailers are half empty and whinging, while the share price drops.

Thus, people like me turn to places like Ebay, where people I've dealt with give me personal help over the phone and a prompt refund if faulty.
You have to be careful, but I'd rather sacrifice some possible problem than burn all my petrol and patience and time on today's current retailers.

The one man band retailers are still o.k. as they are "old school" in most cases, forget the major chains though.

31st March 2007, 09:22 AM
timely thread this one after the morning i had yesterday trying to purchase a new tele, wont go into details, will just say wow, where do they find these clowns!!

31st March 2007, 10:08 AM
Hi Chrome,
I had a similar frustrating situation.
I wanted to buy 6 ceiling fans that had the best functionality, of moving air efficiently per revolutions.

Not one shop could tell me the difference between a 3 or 4 blade device or difference in performance of Rattan fan over a metal fan.
Not a clue .
Some suggested they are all the same.
Another said you only get what you pay for.
So the more you pay , the more air it it will move ? Yes! was their answer (Rubbish)

Feeling positively angry with their ignorance of the products they represented.
I seriously had to question how the devil do they stay in business, they didn't even offer to find out from the suppliers.

I rang the suppliers & they said they all perform much the same ,there's hardly any difference , I asked what the differences were in functionality & they didnt know.
So I got onto the internet & bingo , it was all there. Unbeleivable & they did'nt have a clue & they did'nt care to find out either.

By the way the best fans for functionality are the 3 blade aluminium (not steel due to rust from humidity) fans (they push more air per revolution than a 4 blader) due to less wind resistance, or stainless steel if you like looking at chrome hanging from ones ceiling, with a ball bearing motor with a baked ,not just sprayed on , finish, with rubber cushioning in the base to minimise motor vibration which mormally wears motors out over time.
Cost $45-55 with 3 year warranty. For the Std 120cm size.

The Rattan fans push a lot less air per revolution because their blades are not as curved like the metal fans are & their blades are thicker , therefore have more wind reistance, they usually come in the less efficient 4 blade configuration.
Rattans dont have a swishing sound that a metal blade can have when placed on maximum speed .
In a bedroom situation, where this maybe a consideration , most people run their fans at low to medium therefore a swishing sound wont be heard at those speeds , only when set on maximum & if one is boiling hot , one would'nt care what it sounds like to get relief from the heat.
The swishing at max speed, is hardly hear in a lounge enviromnement because of all the backgound noise e.g. TV, Music,traffic,kids talking ect.

The best places to by fans are usually from discount lighting shops who have been around for a number of years because they tend to only stock items that dont give them grief from their customers.
They will normally beat most other places prices also, including Bunnings.

So the verdict for functioality, is a 3 blade aluminium fan, ball bearing motor with rubber cushioning, baked on enamel finish, bought from a reputable discount lighting shop.

I will stop now...
I have said too much.
The truth is out now.
My work is now complete.


31st March 2007, 10:23 AM
Cool man!

31st March 2007, 06:50 PM
I thought i would add my own recent troubles.
I run a computer repair service from a small mining town so i need to have items shipped to me, my business is small more of a service than a business, but i still need to get stock i have been dealing with one supplier for awhile but they are just hopeless thier staff know nothing.
I desided to changed suppliers and advised my new supplier of my past troubles and told them i wanted trouble free sales.
Here is a breakdown of my first sale with them,

1) i was overcharged $1000 dealing with two many sales people.
2) Items have been left out of the package.
3) They claim to have sent items that i have not got, this is different from items they didn't add to package.
3) No paperwork sent with orders so is lucky i have current prices so i know what to charge.

I am wondering if i should try a second order with them.

1st April 2007, 08:38 AM
Sales staff?

Pay peanuts and get monkeys. Why should the monkeys give a damn?
And that's the sad situation today. New workplace laws [race to the bottom] will make it even worse. Retail sales nowadays are mostly perm-casual or just casual with many workers not knowing what shifts they may or may not have from week to week. They cop a low hourly rate, no holiday pay, no overtime pay and no sick pay.

People moan about lack of service from taxi-drivers to shop assistants, but would scream from the rafters if they had to pay a fair price for it. Once-upon-a-time the service industry was reasonably paid with full benefits and respect and so good service was expected and given [the service was part of the price tags]. We can't expect cheap prices AND top service, it's an oxymoron.

1st April 2007, 08:58 AM
We might have to go the way of the yanks and start tipping to get good service, managment might consider this a bribe.

1st April 2007, 09:03 AM
I've been an employer for 30 years, in that time I've had 2 good employees, who were well rewarded for their effort, (there was no way I wanted to lose them) and approximately 200 idiot bludgers, who wanted all the benefits youre talking about just for turning up, and then the ------s wanted paying if they didn't (turn up)

It's amzing Crash how quickly your politics change when you're paying "Monkeys" good money for bludging, and then guess what you CAN'T SACK EM" GRRRRRRR! and to top it off paying for THEIR retirement as well!!!

NO more, all mine now are on contract, work or WALK!

1st April 2007, 10:28 AM
Most of those 'benefits' your alluding to were gone a long time ago and now you can sack em' and cut their wages too any time you like. Oh joy for management!

1st April 2007, 11:14 AM
Bit of an angry shot Crash, but I meant it when I said that anyone who is anygood rises to the top. My no.1 man had a higher taxable income than me.
These days I'm scaling down.
Putting a topical slant on this thread, I've never really heard much complaining before from Jockeys, only a lot of conjecture about what they are paid, anyone know the real story?

1st April 2007, 03:04 PM
S.H.I..... also rises to the top mate, Just look at our politicians and some of our white collar corporate raiders who rob the mums and dads of Australia [Bondy was a good example]. Lets leave the neo-c.o.n [Ann Rand] garbage of this site Party.

1st April 2007, 03:15 PM
Politicians= jobs for the boys, (nepotism & croneyism) not from effort, ......Bondy, well not many complained when their Super was growing at 100% P/A in some cases (as a result of investments to Bond schemes) , they only complained when it hit the fan, and considering he employed 1000's of people, and many more employed indirectly,.... there is another side to the 007 story eh?

what about that question about the Jockeys pay anyone know?

1st April 2007, 03:37 PM
Bondy your hero is he? How many mums and dads lost their life savings to that **********?

Chrome Prince
1st April 2007, 03:38 PM
Politicians= jobs for the boys, (nepotism & croneyism) not from effort,

Spot on Partypooper,
Just look at recently "inducted" politicians on the bench.
What have they done prior - 0
Who do they know........

The quality of politicians is dismal, they sell their souls and lie to get a fat payout, company car and holidays.
Jobs for the boys indeed.

Chrome Prince
1st April 2007, 03:44 PM
Crash, it's quite true, you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

However, whatever happened to self respect, dedication, committment, customer care. This is why foreign employees are snapping up aussie jobs, employers can pay peanuts and get those qualities and more.

It's a vicious circle though, if sales staff gave a fig about what they do, sales would quadruple overnight and employers might just offer better wages.

Personally, I built my IT business based on old fashioned principles, old fashioned customer service, following up and attending to clients every problem. So much so, many jobs I made a loss on.

However, the referrals I got far outweighed the effort I put in.

This meant no advertising costs and happy clients.

A happy customer is a repeat customer, and so is everyone he knows ;)

9/10 times these days, if I need something done or need to buy something, I ask around, word of mouth is better than spending millions on advertising and a far more accurate guide.

Chrome Prince
1st April 2007, 03:55 PM
Back to the sandblaster (again)

Was referred to a bloke with a little auto shop.
Went and saw him yesterday.
He asked me about 10 questions about exactly what I needed done, took me around to show me the difference in products, then showed me examples of his work, then proceeded to say, drop it off and I'll show you how it's done.

Suffice to say, he has got the job, plus will be looking at an entire engine rebuild job.

A little effort, a little care and the profits come.

1st April 2007, 04:27 PM
[QUOTE=Chrome Prince]Crash, it's quite true, you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

However, whatever happened to self respect, dedication, commitment, customer care.

What happened? It went West when customers embraced the bottom line.

Glass Bead Blasting? Zoe's was cracking up [Glass bead blasting utilities from a hardware store?]. She used to work in her uncles Panel Beaters and boy , get it done by a pro!

Chrome Prince
1st April 2007, 06:14 PM
It was in their catalogue crash, and you don't need a pro to wave a sandblasting gun, however, I went with a pro who worked out cheaper than buying the equipment.

2nd April 2007, 05:38 AM
You can get spray painting units that fit on the end of vacuum cleaners. You see then in brochures too, but I wouldn't like to re-spray my car with it!

Professional abrasive blasting places typically have things like 175 psi at 50 cfm compressors [very expensive] or more. you just can't have enough cfm and pressure when blasting. Massive amounts of air pressure are need to do a half-decent job.