View Full Version : Who's using Auto-Betfair Beta?

11th April 2007, 08:34 AM
Anybody using the Auto-Betfair Beta? I'm using it over night for UK racing and it's started to display some odd (but pleasing) behaviour.

As an example, if I'm placing a lay and set the minimum acceptable price to say 3.6, it appears as if the software will only place the lay if the minimum available price is 4 or more. Also on occasion it seems to stop working after about an hour of operation :mad:

Why is this also pleasing? Well on every occasion (now 4 from 4) that the 3.6 minimum lay price was rejected when a price of 3.6 to 3.95 was available, the horse went on to win the race! Twice over the weekend and again last night when the software stopped working after about an hour, at least one of the lays that didn't get placed that night went on to win the race!

I know this is just luck but it's quite odd isn't it.

Anybody else have any Auto-Betfair war stories?

13th April 2007, 03:37 PM

I have downloaded this tool this week with the intention of operating in the coming weeks.

I cannot get the PDF User Guide to open correctly, have you had any luck with it?


13th April 2007, 08:25 PM

No didn't bother with the users guide. I'm an IT professional and it's not the done thing to read the manual. You get drummed out of of the club if you try ;)

It's not the greatest bit of software I've ever used but it does allow me to schedule my lays. There's probably other tools that do that but I'm not aware of any.

Solved the strange behaviour ploblem I think. I'd unwittingly set the update period to .5 minutes. If I change it to 1 minute or more the problem goes away.

BTW. You know it doesn't work on Oz races don't you?

14th April 2007, 11:39 AM

Didn't know it does not work for Oz racing.



14th April 2007, 12:33 PM
Why? Ask Betfair. Doesn't work on any Australian Wallet events. :(

15th April 2007, 09:04 AM

It's not the greatest bit of software I've ever used but it does allow me to schedule my lays. There's probably other tools that do that but I'm not aware of any.

Hi AngryPixie I use Binteko FairBot as a trading tool. There are a lot of tools on the market (google) you have to pay for but, being an IT professional you could get around this!!!


15th April 2007, 09:55 AM
The reason it doesn't work on AUS events is that they have a different exchange that you need to connect to in order to place bets in Australia. My guess is they connect to the Europe exchange and have not written the code to connect to the Australian exchange.

It will probably eventually be written.

Good Luck.

15th April 2007, 11:39 AM
Hi AngryPixie I use Binteko FairBot as a trading tool. There are a lot of tools on the market (google) you have to pay for but, being an IT professional you could get around this!!!


Yes I actually use FairBot in preference to the Betfair GUI. No scheduling of bets/lays though. :(