View Full Version : follow the money

5th May 2007, 03:19 PM
most days that i do this it always without exception seemingly works wellin the first few races why is this.......my theory is that this is pros making thier easy money for the day i could be wrong though but i doubt it

5th May 2007, 04:10 PM
Early races have a very high % of Favorites getting up. Did you 'follow' my money on the Jackal [$7.60w] in Brisbane? :-))

5th May 2007, 06:45 PM
no crash.. i had my little sip from the pools earlier on ...im slowly getting the hang of yhis gambling thing the hard thing is not to be to greedy and stop at the first win...im working at this because im sick of winning first up only to end up down at the end of days play

6th May 2007, 11:02 AM
case in point casterton race 1 no.4

7th May 2007, 01:37 AM
no crash.. i had my little sip from the pools earlier on ...im slowly getting the hang of yhis gambling thing the hard thing is not to be to greedy and stop at the first win...im working at this because im sick of winning first up only to end up down at the end of days play


10th May 2007, 11:22 PM
ok try this i use unitab of course this is only for dogs ...at the 2 minute marker note the inners and outers using 8 .00 as the outer limit right im 2 cab shazed 2 explain at the mo but if you want a breef explanation u can email me at odericko@yahoo.com.au

11th May 2007, 12:31 AM
odericko, we have more than the vino in common, but this business of following the money is what I was getting at in another thread, i.e. if you FOLLOW the money then you have already missed what is considered to be the ONLY way to win, i.e. you have to obtain better odds that the true chances of the conveyance winning.

So to me you are right, BUT you have to arrive there backwards, i.e. let's say that the pic is considered to be a true 3-1 chance by you or by some other "************", then we place a bet $100 @ Top Fluctuation with a minimum price accepted of 3-1.

The nag opens 11-4, hits 10-3, then is gambled on into 2-1, so our bet is ON @ 10-3, that's the way to do it, NOT backing the nag at 2-1 or even less, am I making sense?

Not sure why hex-pertt is a swear word but never mind

Chrome Prince
11th May 2007, 01:01 AM
You just need to know the strike rate of those horses that have been backed heavily and when they are value and when they aren't.

Then obtain the best price you can.

There is a point where they are no longer value and the other fancies you and the public didn't consider become considerable value ;)