View Full Version : just a thought

25th May 2007, 11:49 PM
ive lost a ship load laying now heres the thing is it wise to lay 40 plus .guaranteed to lose at those odds ??

26th May 2007, 12:08 AM
I've always shyed away from laying as I can't get my mind around it, seems that more and more people are saying that it's just another way to LOSE???

Except in a few cases where I can (because of odds on offer) back all runners and still make a profit, but stil not laying of course in the sense that we are talking about.

I feel though that time would tilt the scales "IF" you've got the bottle (and the cash) to see it through!

26th May 2007, 12:18 AM
One strategy you could try with 40+ is to stop at 3 correct lays for the day.

That means as long as you don't hit a winner more than once every 2 weeks you should be ok.

But if you blindly lay 40+ you will lose over time mainly becasue some of those horses are better chances than that.

Also it can be very hard laying those horses on betfair as you will usually have to give up very big odds (100+) to lay them as people only take very generous overlays.

Stick to laying the favs. Overall it is as close to breakeven as you will get and a loss won't hurt too much.

I am currently lookng at just laying one of the 2 favs each race on betfair. Sometimes your lucky and neither win.... other times you get it wrong but as long as your right more often then not you will make a profit.

Personally I think laying $10+ horses on betfair is just asking for trouble unless you are being very careful with your form analysis. There is no quick easy way to do it.

Good Luck.

26th May 2007, 10:34 AM

There is absolutely no doubt that you can profit from the lay - afterall that's what bookmakers do. As the others have said, blindly laying the real roughies is going to land you in trouble. You still need to have an angle to back up your selection, you need to have done the research, you need to have a bank that can cope with the pay outs, and you need to know what your going to do when you get it wrong. It's all basic stuff that should be in your betting plan before you start having a big go.

Laying's not for everybody but it does suit me. In fact I'd only ever been a break-even type of punter before I turned to laying. Now I do alot better.

The most important thing about laying is to stop thinking like a backer. It's quite a different mentally process. I'd have trouble going back now.

26th May 2007, 12:14 PM
It's quite a different mentally process...

"Mentally process"? I should check my mentally process I think :(