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View Full Version : Sports Handicapping Book

fast eddy
9th July 2007, 08:13 AM
Question: If there was a sports handicapping book dedicated essentially to Rugby and Rugby League, and touching on Horse Racing (for the Australasian market), what would you want to see in the book?

Some examples could be:
Home Field Advantage
How teams perform off a bye, or from winning a must-win game
How often a team covers the point spread, home and away
Referee/umpire stats
Other stats. What would be necessary to help the punter?

What about AFL?

Any constructive comments welcomed.


9th July 2007, 08:28 AM
I thought you retired FE? welcome back :)

fast eddy
9th July 2007, 09:09 AM
Cheers, it's been a long time. Been hunting and gathering so to speak (the viability of a sports betting book). I hope to be a bit more active on the forums in future.

9th July 2007, 04:12 PM
Have you been able to bet football over the long term and profit? I've not seen anyone who is able to do this yet.

fast eddy
9th July 2007, 04:43 PM
Have you been able to bet football over the long term and profit? I've not seen anyone who is able to do this yet.

Bon, Yes I have. IMO ATS is the way to go. I scalp when opportunity arises. I've been hitting the 54 mark consistently for 2.5 years now, in both rugby and league.

All I want to know is, is it worth my trouble penning a book about how to handicap sports, specifically about rubgy and league. It won't be a here-it-is-on-a-silver-platter book, more like, here are some tools/information I have found valuable, and if you put the time and effort into it, then you too can benefit.

BTW I'm open to an AFL guru writing a chapter about AFL. I attempted to cap it but failed miserably because I couldn't put the time into, and didn't really understand it, afterall I'm from a backwater :)

10th July 2007, 12:35 AM


What kind of percentage returns do you normally get on scalping? Do you predict line movement for your scalps, or just take advantage of different numbers between the books?

As for wether the book is worthwhile, I'm not sure mate. I'm definitely open to the idea money can be made in football, I just need to see someone's track record and system to believe it :)

fast eddy
11th July 2007, 01:51 PM

ATS is Against the spread. Alternative Points Spread or Spread

% returns on scalping are ~1%. Usually find daily bets during baseball and NBA season.

Re line movement. I use a live lines service and also any unusual numbers offered by books. For rugby and league I try and analyse what Joe Public is going to bet and how that will affect the line. What is the line? Why is that the line? What will affect the line? (i.e. key injuries, adverse weather, team motivation, etc).

"I just need to see someone's track record and system to believe it" My track record is, IMO irrelevant as I'm not offering a tips service nor a quick rich scheme. What I would offer though, is certain statistical information that will help you with handicapping. What you do with the information is up to you.

Thanks for your questions BTW

12th July 2007, 11:38 AM
Likely to be an ongoing project or at least the 'book' subject to updates over time?

16th September 2007, 05:10 PM
Please explain further. If possible, with an example.