View Full Version : Bet Minimisation.

16th August 2007, 03:32 AM
I feel SuperTAB (Vic) TAB cant control their creed , even though its mainly automated with the use of computers.
Dont forget , they got rid of people & got computers to do their jobs & now, that still is not enough , yet other organisations can make good profits taking smaller min bets like IAS bookmakes.

I believe SuperTAB min single bet is now $3
That I feel is outrages.
There are heaps of people out there especially pensioners who would like to have a hit but at that amount its far too much.

Heres a way to fight back whereby one can have 1 cent bets if they wish especially if one is trialing a system for the first time.

Useing the Betfair system where one gets better odds anyway.
One can use this tool to by-pass the Betfair min bet of $6 & place all the bets one wishes , at the price they want & its very fast using 1+ cent bets.

Its a UK product called Bet Trader PRO its cost is FREE
It makes the TAB look very primitive.

If you know any one , especially pensioners who feel dis-enfranchised by their TAB , then put them onto this .
It could save them a lot of money.

Like all these type of products, they suck up a lot of band width so they had better be on an unlimited download useage deal from their provider.
One also may have to restsrat their computer to freshen it up because the CPU will get fully loaded if your using it for say 4-5 hours straight.

Another program to free up the registry is CCleaner download it from Filhippo, it is excellent & makes your PC run quicker because it unclogs it from all the junk that it collects that one already has a copies of.


16th August 2007, 03:35 PM
gordon benet, well done bagwhan youd have thought a personage of my exreem inteijense would have bothered to check his usage having read your post i did ,concequently i churned and got 40 gig a month i think this will just suffice ...thanx bagwhan for that..