View Full Version : Help Needed

30th November 2007, 04:35 PM
I have read and heard that people are winning with a lot of there own methods. Now, due to my accident (I had a knee reconstruction) I have decided to analysis my own ratings over the next year to see if I can increase the the strike rate.

My question is should I use a spreadsheet or database which would be updated on a daily basis.

Any thoughts.

30th November 2007, 04:45 PM
Don't believe everything you read. Everyone's a winner here:-)

1st December 2007, 05:56 AM
Heres one way to increase your SR using your ratings & a spread sheet.

.Whatever your ratings tell you only , they become a selection if they are also in the first 3 in the pre-post market as shown in newspapers or on-line markets such as Racingandsports.

.Delete any that are $3.10 & less in the pre-post market as shown in any newspaper or online pre-post market.
I have found this to work well so as to squeeze a profit from something which would normally break even.

.Fields of 15 runners & less.
Any more & the stats usually fall away

I feel your SR will be approx 25% , the next stage is to only bet the selections using say IAS or Sporting bet, best of 2 totes if one wishes to place all bets at once, because the TABs are natoriously bad value when it comes to the first 3 Favs
It makes a dramatic difference to the POT if you do this.

Example , I noticed one of the plans I was using made 9% POT
Using IAS Superbet & the same selections it went to 26% POT
I placed half my bet with both at the same time over 500 bets over 3 months betting 7 days a week.

One will find that the TAB generally pays more on selections that are approx $6.00+ range & these are the ones that dont win as often.

Using a Data base could be even better, but will require a lot more work keeping it updated manually.
One may like to consider one of the commercial Data systems like Price Predictor or GTX for this alternative, where data can be updated at a click of a button.
GTX has a pre-post market as part of its package.
All this of course, comes at a price, which one has to justify.

I wish you a speedy recovery from a very painful experiece.


19th December 2007, 02:50 PM
Um if someone can indulge my ignorance, what's with all the numbers these days.

eg RB82 for the next at sandown.


22nd December 2007, 01:47 PM
Guess no-one knows about the R numbers. I can tell the bigger the number the higher class race but can't quite twig the finer points

But another question. Does anyone know a website that gives you live and free place tote prices for all three totes side by side?

thanks again

22nd December 2007, 02:18 PM
Guess no-one knows about the R numbers. I can tell the bigger the number the higher class race but can't quite twig the finer points

I thought it was well known, that's why nobody answered. I am actually sure it was discussed here before. It's not new at all.
Anyway it just an other restricted class rating to allow horses who reached a certain class but then got stuck there and never win, to race again in a lower class race where they have a chance of winning again.
Look up one of the race club's website, maybe Victoria, for details. I am actually sure someone posted the class value of these RB numbers, as well.
If I can find it I post it for you.
<62 = Class 1
>62 >= 68 = Class 2
>68 <= 72 = Class 3
>72 <= 78 = Class 4
>78 <= 89 = Class 5
>89 = Class 6
Good luck

22nd December 2007, 02:43 PM
Thanks lomaca. Have to try and find the earlier discussion. I keep forgetting to visit this forum.

On first contemplation have some doubts about its merit.

22nd December 2007, 02:47 PM
On first contemplation have some doubts about its merit.
The trainers love it! need I say more?
Good luck

24th December 2007, 07:35 AM
But another question. Does anyone know a website that gives you live and free place tote prices for all three totes side by side?

thanks againhttp://www.virtualformguide.com/cgi-bin/tvf/access.pl

25th December 2007, 01:47 PM
RB = Ratings Based