View Full Version : Staking plan?

7th January 2008, 03:21 PM

To utilise this staking plan it is necessary to establish the average winning price of your selections over a substantial period and then keep updating the information on a regular basis. If you don't record all your bets, START.

For example, we work on the basis of the average price of our last 250 winners at all times. In our case, we know that to be $4.70 and it stays pretty constant at that figure.

Once you have established that mean average, and ONLY after you have established it, (minimum 100 winners), you may like to consider the following plan.

At the start of each day, regardless of where you are in a win - loss progression from the day before, work out your new day's FIRST bet related to the size of your bank as follows:

NB - your bet size is changing every race in direct mathematical proportion to the size of your bank either reducing or increasing

1. If your average price of your selection system's winners is between odds on and $3.00 you may choose to bet to a 15% plan i.e. if your total bank was $100 your first bet level for the new day would be $15 and this would allow for a losing streak of 8 in succession and still leave you with 26% of your bank. Losing runs at this price level of beyond 8 are unlikely BUT DO HAPPEN

2. If your average price of your selection system's winners is between $3.00 and $4.00 you may choose to bet to a 10% plan i.e. if your total bank was $100 your first bet level for the new day would be $10 and this would allow for a losing streak of 10 in succession and still leave you with 35% of your bank. Losing runs at this price level of beyond 10 are unlikely BUT DO HAPPEN

3. If your average price of your selection system's winners is between $4.00 and $6.00 you may choose to bet to an 8% plan i.e. if your total bank was $100 your first bet level for the new day would be $8 and this would allow for a losing streak of 12 in succession and still leave you with 35% of your bank. Losing runs at this price level of beyond 12 DO HAPPEN

4. If your average price of your selection system's winners is between $6.00 and $10.00 you may choose to bet to an 6% plan i.e. if your total bank was $100 your first bet level for the new day would be $6 and this would allow for a losing streak of 15 in succession and still leave you with 36% of your bank. Losing runs at this price level of beyond 15 DO HAPPEN

5. If your average price of your selection system's winners is greater than $10.00 you may choose to bet to an 4% plan i.e. if your total bank was $100 your first bet level for the new day would be $4 and this would allow for a losing streak of 20 in succession and still leave you with 43% of your bank. Losing runs at this price level of beyond 20 DO HAPPEN

The purpose of this staking plan is to try and avoid a complete wipe out of funds but that may very well happen. It has happened to us in the past so travel at your own risk. As with all these things, a GREAT DEAL depends on just where you are in your progression (and it will be different from everyone else's progression) at any particular time. That's the great unknown!!