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15th February 2008, 01:16 PM
As most of you have probably already heard the return of Shane Dye to Australian racing(particularly Sydney) is imminent.
He is coming back to "dominate" Group 1 racing as he did over a decade ago.
Like him or loath this "human headline," it certainly won't be boring when he steps foot in Oz again!
Any thoughts on this topliner who, no doubt has George Moore's Gp1 tally in his sights. So, hold on tight...we are in for some ride....!
I presume he will ride freelance unless someone has more updated information.


15th February 2008, 01:45 PM
One ALWAYS get a top ride from Shane and glad to hear he is coming back here.


15th February 2008, 01:56 PM
Some may disagree...as per his ride in the 1992 Caulfield Cup - didn't he acquire some "baggage" from that incident.........?
Yet, Shane("Billy") remained steadfast and was adamant that his tactics had nothing to do with his mount being beaten.
I can certainly see that he will add some colour to the ultra-competitive Sydney scene and racing will no doubt be on the front pages once again....for all the right reasons!


15th February 2008, 02:18 PM
i wonder if he will be any good
don't know about his HK record but he couldnt get close to beadman,williams,oliver and co. in Oz now
I'd be very suprised

15th February 2008, 04:48 PM

he fared very well over there and competed very successfully against the very best riders in the world.
Have no doubt...he will win many Group races in the near future and beyond!
Follow him......!


15th February 2008, 06:12 PM
I think the tall poppy syndrome is alive and well, he definitly has a unique talent, but a sheet ful personality, and became the jock we all love to hate, maybe that's why he gave HK a try. I've seen him ride there several times (in the flesh) and he's still spectacular, I think he'll bring back some colour to Aussie racing!

Dancing Sun
15th February 2008, 06:20 PM
Cant wait always have loved Shane as a jockey, and cant wait to see him return the winners list in sydney, maybe this is what sydney racing needs at the moment , whoooo

16th February 2008, 05:52 PM
Yeah Dancing Sun & partypooper,
you could be right....he will certainly attract a lot of media attention so racing will be discussed/debated as a result.


27th February 2008, 12:09 PM
I saw Shane Dye on Racing Retro on Sunday and he indicated that he may be seeking a media career once his riding days are over-should be interesting!
He is currently under suspension and is allowed to ride in next Tuesday's Sydney metropolitan meeting.
I am sure he would love to win on his first return ride so be alert!
Hold on for the ride...Billy Idol is back in town!


27th February 2008, 04:32 PM
Anyone have any "Billy Idol" stories/anecdotes which may be of interest to fellow punters?
I'll start the ball rolling with an anecdote which I witnessed personally over a decade ago:
He and "the enforcer," Mick Dittman were riding at a feature midweek race -meeting in Newcastle and obviously, Shane("Billy") had only one ride which was much later in the day.
The reason: I saw "Billy" munching on a pie.....!
Obviously, he is blessed with his genes because how many other riders "do it tough" and virtually survive on brown rice, lettuce leaves and carrot sticks to maintain their riding weight(eg. Brad Rawiller)!
Let's just say...he will certainly add a lot of "colour" to the ultra-competitive Sydney racing scene!
Now that "the dazzler" has left our shores there are innumerable opportunities for talented riders to "do very well."


29th February 2008, 12:12 PM
A proud patron of the Australasian Spinal Research Trust!

4th March 2008, 11:14 AM
Well said Cheda,
I am sure that Shane("Billy Idol")Dye would dearly love to ride at least one winner on his return to Sydney/Australian racing.
Therefore, it may pay to support his mounts today:
SR1 6
SR2 2
SR3 2
SR6 9
SR7 12
I'm sure there will be a collect amongst those runners!


4th March 2008, 11:48 AM
R.S.Dye has also picked up a late ride in:
SR4 11


Mr Quaddie
4th March 2008, 11:54 AM
6 races 6 bets $1 each = $6. his winning horse must pay more than $6 then.

4th March 2008, 12:24 PM
No Mr. Quaddie,
I always suggest that you invest in the ratio of 1x5(sure, that can be 0.5x2.5 if you like:
SR1 6 Aristocratico 2nd $4.5plNSW(paid $6.2plVic)'
so we are off to a profitable start(POT=275%) and my advice.....follow Billy!


5th March 2008, 11:54 AM
Shane Dye has these rides today:
SR2 1
SR5 5
SR7 1
let's hope he has some luck!


8th March 2008, 11:26 AM
S.Dye's rides today are:

SR4 13
SR6 6
SR7 15
SR8 16
SR9 11


8th March 2008, 04:22 PM
He's finding it hard isn't he...........?
In his ten year absence, Sydney racing has changed so much....but...do not write him off!
I am sure that he is currently contacting some of the "big" trainers and seeking some top rides over the carnival.
Be alert....he will soon win many races and the "smart" punter will be there with him!


8th March 2008, 04:32 PM
He was a clown back then and still is a clown today, Australian racing is better off with out him.

8th March 2008, 04:43 PM

That's a bit drastic isn't it?
I can assure you that he is a highly motivated individual whose goal is to re-establish himself in the top echelon of Sydney/Aus racing.....and guess what.....he has the ability to back up his claims!
Once he is established......watch out....the top class winners will come his way .....by pure ability!


12th March 2008, 02:53 PM
SR5 9 Fancyfree WON $5.5w$2.1plNSW
Raymond Shane Dye has finally won his first race in Sydney and it will definitely not be his last!
He's back on track now so hold on for the ride.......!


12th March 2008, 03:48 PM
Hope you were happy with your $5.5 as $10 to $12 was available at betfair.
Do you REALLY just bet on the tab.
I thought you were the smart punter.

12th March 2008, 04:07 PM

I have a number of accounts with the corporate bookmakers and I only quote NSW divs because I reside in this "premier state"( although that is debatable at the moment).
"peter pan"......he was a "fairy" wasn't he..............?


12th March 2008, 04:16 PM
He sure was and thats why I enjoy your posts with all your crazy ideas, as they are all in fairyland.

29th March 2008, 04:32 PM
He hasn't really been "setting the world on fire" since his return has he?
Maybe Sydney racing has changed so much since he left more than a decade ago but then again maybe he is finding it difficult to adjust as to "how Sydney racing operates."
Particularly after riding in the ultra-scrutinized racing scene in HK.
I ask you what would you prefer....draconian monitoring of jockeys' movements(including mobile phones eg. jockey tapes) or the system as it currently stands....?
I know what I personally would prefer(NB. this is done in Japan).
Hmmm.........I'll leave it up to you.


2nd April 2008, 01:58 PM
Well, I think I know why he is finding it hard to crack the local racing scene.
I witnessed Newcastle R3 and in the last 50m IMO he was riding his mount(the fav by the way) with less than expected vigour and eventually missed third place and ran fourth.
The rider of the eventual third place-getter was low in the saddle riding with vigour and what was "Billy" doing......raising himself high in the irons-hardly the stance of a rider who was eager to fight out the finish!
I now agree with an earlier contributor and I will not defend him any more and I have wiped him as a betting prospect!
Where are the confounded officials!


2nd April 2008, 02:10 PM
Apart from his formidable riding talent Shane is one of the best form anylists around.
His success is partly due to his riding abilities and riding horses that can win.
At the moment he is taking the crumbs of other riders in establishing himself but it would be a foolish trainer who doesn,t quickly snap him up.


2nd April 2008, 03:11 PM
Apart from his formidable riding talent Shane is one of the best form anylists around.
His success is partly due to his riding abilities and riding horses that can win.
At the moment he is taking the crumbs of other riders in establishing himself but it would be a foolish trainer who doesn,t quickly snap him up.

Yeah, sure, darky, but what is he doing in the meantime!
What......if he doesn't think they can win does he "put his cue in the rack" and not try over the final 50m?
I think Sydney racing is better off without him!
