View Full Version : System "Fully Focused Riders"

1st July 2008, 09:20 PM
Rule 1: Taking each of the day’s meetings in turn, consult the ‘Top Jockeys’ list for the track, as published in the Sportsman formguide.
<O:P>Rule 2: </O:P>Check each of the top five jockeys on the list, to see whether any of them are visiting the track for just one ride that day. If so, make a note of the horse.<O:P></O:P>
<O:P>Rule 3: </O:P>Repeat the process for each of the day’s meetings.<O:P></O:P>
<O:P>Rule 4: </O:P>Bet each qualifier to win, provided it isn’t opposed by another qualifier, in which case there is no bet for that particular race.<O:P></O:P>
<O:P>The website cdsystems.uk.com/ comments: "</O:P>Top jockeys usually have multiple engagements on a card, which means they have to make tactical preparations for each in a fairly short time. When a top jockey has just one engagement at a particular venue, he/she can concentrate solely on the tactics for that one ride. They are therefore fully focused on a particular race and their visit to the track has just one specific purpose. By using the ‘Top Jockeys’ listing for each individual track, rather than an overall ‘Top Jockeys’ list, we are ensuring that each bet will be ridden by a jockey who is proven at that particular venue."

3rd July 2008, 03:53 PM
Your on a good path here. Especially a good jocky with only 1 or 2 runs for the day. [their not there for their health!].

4th July 2008, 08:26 AM
interesting this subject has come up as on Wednesday i was enjoying a cold one with a few mates & the last at Wyong was about to go & the caller on Sky is carrying on about the toppie being Nash Rawiller's only ride for the day & its shortening by the second etc etc

result?, nada! & we all had a good chuckle at the sheep that had jumped on at the $2.50 odd

that said ive had plenty of good collects following Greg Childs when he's only had 1 or 2 rides for the day provincial meets Victoria

Mr Quaddie
4th July 2008, 01:26 PM
It is always best to back a jockey with 2 rides for the day betting on his second ride. The frist ride is to get use to the conditions of the track, the bias, the firmness etc.

5th August 2008, 09:56 PM

Rosehill race 2 #6 Danz in Paris (M Beadman) unplaced