View Full Version : All Up Strategies?

7th July 2008, 01:00 PM
I'm sure many have tried all up betting. If you are careful, in just a few bets --- even when you are only betting for the place --- quite a substantial bet can be worked to.So, say you begin with $20.00, you might quite easily be betting $180.00 after only a few successful bets. Now, if you are a $20.00 bettor, the idea of putting a couple of hundred on a horse can be rather daunting. My question is "What is a good strategy to take out some of the winnings before the inevitable "miss" comes along?".

I know that you should not be betting that way if you are not ready to accept the inevitable; but it seems that the loss will come and to not take out some winnings --- or start another sequence at some time --- is simply foolish.


7th July 2008, 03:14 PM
As you said Merriguy most would have tried it, I tried it for a while always seem to miss one leg. The method was called the fortune of four, allup the place on four picks. Take out the initial stake after the 3rd bet (if all placed) and invest the remander on the last pick.

Maybe take out the initial stake after 2 bets and the same for the 3rd and every bet after that.

7th July 2008, 03:33 PM
Allups can be a bit missleading specialy if place betting, look at this for an example.
1st bet $20 winner @ $1.50 return $30
2nd bet $20 winner @ $1.50 Return $30
$40 out $60 in Profit $20

Now lets look at an allup
$20 bet winner @1.50 x winner @$1.50 return $45.00 profit $25.00

For allup place bets to be any good you realy need high place dividends or at least 3 place wins in a row.

I used to use a combo win/place bet once on 2 horses
1 unit win x win allup
1 unit win x place allup
1 unit place x win allup
3 units place x place allup

depending on the price if both place at least you got a small profit and if both won you made a good profit, saying this nothing beats putting the whole amount on both to win allup.

7th July 2008, 03:57 PM
Another is to all up over 5 bets for the place & retain 20% each time one gets up.

This way , one is getting something back if all 5 dont get up.


7th July 2008, 04:39 PM
Shaun, being brought up to UK racing it is the aaaa for most punters there to place multiple bets the most famous being the "Yankee" which covers 4 horses in 6 doubles + 4x trebles + 1 x4x horse accumalator = 11 bets, you then have 5 horses (super Yankee 26 bets) 6 horses (Heinz 57 bets) super Heinz = 7 horses 120 bets and the Goliath (240 bets) which is 8 horses covered in all combinations doubles, trebles, 4,somes, 5,somes,6 somes, 7 somes and one 8 horse accumalator. The idea is that you always stand the "CHANCE" of a massive return for a small outlay as your unit bets can be as low as 5c.

But as far as your example is concerned, what you have really done is placed $20 on the first selection and then $30 on the second one haven't you? wheras in the first example you only placed $20 on the second one as well??

After thought, some people also would place higher amounts on the doubles and trebles and lesser amounts on the rest e.g. say 5 horses,, might read 10x $2 doubles, 10x $1 trebles, 5x 50c 5 somes and a 50c accumalator, which in this example would cost $33, the reasoning is that there is a reasonalble chance of striking a double but not much of hitting a 5 horse accumalator. but keep it covered just in case.

7th July 2008, 08:49 PM
Hi All

Thanks for the ideas in answer to my question. I will ponder them a little, I think that the only answer is to do what some of you have suggested and slowly but surely take your "pay" as the time goes by (each day, week, or whatever):

To make the matter more concrete below is what happened to an all up I followed this afternoon:

Muswellbrook Race 4 I bet $20 on Media Planet for the place. Result it won and returned $26.80 for the place (with Canbet).

Then Muswellbrook Race 7 I bet $46.80 ($20 plus $26.80) Hunter Vintage for the place. It placed and returned $53.35 (Canbet).

I then took back my original Stake of $20, and therefore my next bet was Muswellbrook Race 9 $80.00 ($20 plus $26.80 plus $53.35 minus $20) Diamond Lightning for the place. It placed and returned $65.60 which means that my next bet following the series should be $145.60.

This outlay is getting a bit high for me knowing that sooner or later the run will come to an end and I could end up, for all my work, with just the original stake!!

I suppose I have to work out a balance between the rapidly rising stakes and their good return, or opting to gradually take winnings out and having a slower gain (as long as the run continues)!

P.S. This is what I actually did and the returns I got; but have I included the original bets wrongly? Those couple of glasses of red wine are making it hard to think straight!!!!1

7th July 2008, 10:53 PM
If i was doing this i would bank half after every 3 wins (places) then after 12 straight wins declare a MEGA payout and start again .

8th July 2008, 12:24 AM
MMmmmmm! perhaps what I should have pointed out is with the Uk system of multiple bets is you don't get to change your mind half way through the days racing hee hee! i.e. once your bet is on, that's it even if your 5 horse accumalator for $1 has achieved 20-1 x 20-1x 20-1 x 20-1, your $194,481 winnings runs on the next horse!

And if you think that it can't/won't happen, just check out Guiness book of records, horse racing, betting, you will be amazed!

8th July 2008, 12:02 PM
Do they have different pools for this sort of thing, i have seen the effect an allup has on small win pools after a few wins.

Another option if you want to try the UK style say on 6 race if you had $200 to bet for the day divide this in to 60/40 split put 60% on the first race what ever the return add it to the 40% left over then divide the total 60/40 and repeat, if you get a loser just divide the remaining 40% in to a 60/40 split and start again.

This can be done over as little as 2 race or as many as you like.

8th July 2008, 01:51 PM
Merriguy you could set yourself a limit eg. $50, $100 abet when you get that high, so with your example your next bet would be $50, $100 or what ever your limit maybe untill you lose one then start again. This will decrease your winnings if you have a good run, but may save your bank after winning a few and then a lose.

8th July 2008, 02:33 PM
Thanks for the thoughts, guys. Quite a few good ideas there. I am sure my approach can be refined with the help given.As with most systems the old "discipline" is the necessary ingredient!!

Party, I am pretty sure that you can bet Yankees and the like through IAS and some of the other agencies. When I first joined several years ago they sent me a whole lot of guff and I feel sure they were mentioned.