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View Full Version : Handicap ?

19th August 2008, 12:05 PM
Sorry to keep bringing up stupid questions, but my head can't quite fathom much of this weighting game. As an example, if you check out Wagga R1 today you can see all the different weights allocated by the handicapper, but it is called a maiden race. I have seen others that are maiden handicaps.....So I'm just wondering is this a handicap race or not or what ?

If anyone can shed a little light for me it would be appreciated, thanks.

19th August 2008, 01:44 PM
A maiden handicap race.

19th August 2008, 03:22 PM
Thanks Crash, that is what I thought. It seems that Unitab just didn't call it a HCP whereas other sites did.

I get confused as many races have weights allocated but don't seem to be called HCP. Wagga R4 seems to fit this category.Weights allocated but not a HCP? Why is this?

Sorry to persist but I'm still a bit lost.

19th August 2008, 05:23 PM
Thanks Crash, that is what I thought. It seems that Unitab just didn't call it a HCP whereas other sites did.

I get confused as many races have weights allocated but don't seem to be called HCP. Wagga R4 seems to fit this category.Weights allocated but not a HCP? Why is this?

Sorry to persist but I'm still a bit lost.R4 is a maiden WFA race you need to find a site that tell you exactly what the race is like thetote.com.au/form/guide.aspx

20th August 2008, 10:13 AM
You've cracked it in one Crackone. Been to thetote and it does the trick. It seems Unitab race descriptions assume one actually knows something about horse racing, and as I don't it leaves info a little short for me sometimes.

Many thanks for the guidance.