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29th August 2008, 09:30 AM
Maria's laying system


I've been reluctant to start off this thread, because I'm frightened of its turning out to be the kiss of death ... you have what you imagine to be a good system and start to explain it in public, and suddenly a wheel comes off ...* ???

I've come up with a laying system ...* ;D

I'll record its daily selections and results in this thread ... until I get jeered off, anyway ...* :-[

I'll try to post each day's selections by 1.00pm at the very latest, but I don't think I'll often manage to post them the night before.

Comments, general heckling and questions (but not about the details of my selection-process, please) are very welcome as we go along, but I'd better start off with something like an "FAQ" ...* 8)

STAKING: I want to minimise risks and maximise returns, of course (who doesn't?), which are always pretty difficult, not to say conflicting, objectives to combine. Like all forms of betting, the selections are only a part of the story. Betting on horses is notorious for people being able to have good selections and still lose money through poor money management. With laying in particular, IMHO the commonest reasons for failure are under-funding (not having a bank big enough for what you're trying to do) and disillusionment (getting too easily fed up with an inevitable losing run).

This isn't the time or place to get involved in a big discussion about whether the selections or the money management are more important - it suffices to say that without both aspects being good, sensible, reliable and proven, it's not possible to make steady profits ...*

The two common staking methods for laying are:-

(i) Laying to a fixed stake: I don't use this for two main reasons: first, the "accidents" are proportionally too expensive; secondly, it seems to me that it fails adequately to make the profits "deserved" after successfully identifying and laying shorter-priced losers.

(ii) Laying to a fixed liability: I don't use this either, because it's inherently mathematically unsound - it ignores the fact that accidents are far more likely to happen at the lower end of the scale: if I lay a 2/1 favourite (i.e. I lay it at an exchange price of 3.0), the overall risk of that bet losing (the horse winning) is of course higher than one which was a lay at 8.0 (7/1).

Instead I try to combine the best of both worlds by using what looks like a complicated mixture of the two systems mentioned above, but it's actually perfectly straightforward ...*

My staking system: I lay in three distinct exchange-price-bands of fixed backer's stakes.

At one end of the scale, if the exchange price available about the horse is less than 3.5 (less than 5/2), I lay to a stake of 1% of my current laying system bank. At the other end, if the price is between 7.5 and 11 (the latter figure being my cut-off: I don't lay anything higher than 10/1), I lay to a stake of 0.4% of my current bank. If the price is in-between these two bands (i.e. prices of 3.6 to 7.4), then I lay to a stake of 0.6% of my bank. As they say in those TV infommercials, "But wait - there's more!": I also combine this staking plan with a ratchet system (see below).

The are two other advantages with this staking system: first, the practicality of the situation when using the exchanges is that the backer's stake (rather than one's own liability) is the value which has to be typed into the little box on the screen, and this makes it quick and simple to do; secondly, nearly a year's figures have proven to me that this method minimises the variability of the results, and that's very, very important ...*

To summarise, with examples based on a starting bank of £3,000 (if you're reckless enough to try them, you can scale up or down proportionally to your own bank) ...

Prices below 3.5: lay to 1% of bank - backer's stake £30 (my liability under £75)

Prices from 3.6 to 7.4: lay to 0.6% of bank - backer's stake £18 (my liability £46.80 - £115.20)

Prices from 7.5 to 11: lay to 0.4% of bank - backer's stake £12 (my liability £78 - £132)

Ratchet System

If making profits, I increase all stakes in proportion to the bank on a daily basis. (I'd love to do it on a bet-by-bet basis, but that would assume that anyone following the system can be glued to their screen all afternoon, which isn't realistic. If you're working for a living - shock horror: please excuse my language! - you need to be able to put the bets on your lunch-hour.)

This means that at the end of each day, the next day's "current bank" figure is known. For example, if there's a good start and the £3,000 bank grows, then the stakes are worked out as proportion of the new higher figure, and increase slightly the next day. This may sound insignificant but it makes a huge difference to the results ...*

In contrast, after a losing day, I don't reduce stakes unless and until 35% of the highest level of the bank is lost, when I essentially re-start using the same percentages, but now of the new "65%-sized bank" ...* :-\

Example: from a £3,000 start, if there's a net loss on the first day, the next day I still stake as if from a bank of £3,000 (i.e. to backer's stakes of £30, £18 and £12 depending on the price about each selection) until reaching £1,950 when those backer's stakes would become £19.50, £11.70 and £7.80 until the bank gets back up to £3,000 again (or - dare I mention it? - down to £1267.50 - a further 35% loss).

The 35% drop is always worked out from the highest point of the bank. If it happens (and so far it hasn't - famous last words?!) I'll explain it again.

It may sound a bit complicated but it's actually very simple. Not easy, but very simple ...* :

Please don't imagine that I'm claiming this to be a perfect laying system. There are one or two anomalies in it, but after lots of analysis and calculation in the early days, over the last year I've found this system practicable, straightforward and robust. And that's what matters.

In the next post, I'll complete the "FAQ" and hope to cover the practicalities.

29th August 2008, 09:48 AM
It is interesting reading, but if you read all of it carefully and not just the end(196 pages) you will see it was not easy and a large sum of that money came towards the end of the twelve months.

The staking plan has merit and is something to look at.

29th August 2008, 11:30 AM

Maria's laying system has been discussed here at various times. You may like to have a search ;)

29th August 2008, 12:17 PM
Low content post.

29th August 2008, 02:39 PM
No need to respond to a flame.

29th August 2008, 03:04 PM
Low content.

29th August 2008, 03:30 PM
True. I'm sure that's a closely guarded secret. Don't know anybody that has claimed to have cracked it. I wonder if it was actually a few mini-systems and maybe some were added and/or taken away over the course of the postings. Never know I guess. :(

Chrome Prince
29th August 2008, 04:52 PM
Good luck Baco,

"cracking it" has nothing to do with the selection process, it ALL lies within the odds and the staking.
This is exactly why all the ebooks have all the lay systems in the world, but no advice on price. ;)

29th August 2008, 05:44 PM
No need to respond to a flame.

29th August 2008, 07:16 PM
i could be wrong maybe but possibly racers coment was a compliment
thats how i see it anyway

29th August 2008, 08:06 PM
Good posting Baco.
It reinforces some sound ideas.
I don't feel our friend Racer was having a shot at you my friend..

The money management plan looks very sound.
It is very similar to what I use.

I feel with Lay betting, more so than win betting, it is so important to try & get the right price where possible , because its the inflated lay prices that usually gets the punter in the end, if he is not careful.
e.g. Try not to lay say a $7.00 shot on the Back side & is $10.00 on the Lay side.
Keep doing that & we will find out how our losing win system also becomes a Lay backers nightmare as well, due to accepting inflated prices.

One might say that Betfair is more of a Backers market than a Layers market, so its a strong idea to try & get our final lay price as close as possible to the Win back price where possible.

It should be an interesting ongoing posting.

Here is my Lay bet plan of the day , I am sure we all have one that shows some promise.
So here goes.

Fire up Betfair.
No need for form guides here.

.Look at the market say a few minuets out from jump .

.Target the 2nd Fav in the Win market.
This will be our selection if it passes our filters

.Our 2nd Fav must be $2.00+ in the Place market .
We look at this market for analysis purposes only.

.The market Fav in the race must be $1.80 & less in the Place market.
We look at this market for analysis purposes only.

.If we see that there are 2 or more horses at say $1.99 & less in the place market & ours is one of them.
This spells danger - no bet race.

.If our 2nd Fav qualifies by bering $2.00+ in the place market, it becomes our Lay Bet in the Win market.
We dont bet in the Place market.

. Use Bacos money management plan or a tweaked version of it..

That's it.
Works like a charm.

The reasoning is , that we are assuming that there is a market gap of confidence here, where the Fav has a better than 60% chance of doing something in the field , rattling the 2nd Fav out of contention, if its a dog fight between the two at the end.

My stats show indeed, that the Fav usually rattles the 2nd fav if its a close contest at the end.
Its a different story of course if the Fav fails to run on or fails to get a clear shot.

Try & remember to secure the lowest price where possible for Lay betting compared to it's win price. .
If one is no good at doing that , just wait till the last 30 secs . That seems to work just as well as anything else, long term.
