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View Full Version : Qld ratings help

26th November 2008, 09:54 PM
Hi ,

would some of those that collect the qld ratings in a database help me with the last 2 months? I dont need the results or anything else just the date, track race num tab num and the rating. I can and do collect them now but I dont know how to do it backwards and I only need last 2 months 21/9 to 22/11.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance


27th November 2008, 11:28 AM
Hi Michal,
If this is what you want?
Open Qld tab,
Click on racing, click on racing again, top left corner
Click on results & search, there you can get any date of the past races.

27th November 2008, 01:53 PM

Thanks for that, I would like to get them in excel sheet. As I said I can get them now into excel format but I cant do past dates and to do that manualy is just imposible. I only need the 2 months as that is all that Im testing.

I would really apreciate someones help


27th November 2008, 06:59 PM
Michal, how do you currently collect that data? if you are using 'web query' then it is possible to access past dates

27th November 2008, 07:22 PM
On a similiar topic, are there any good programs to look out for, for scraping data off websites? Its something I have no experience with, but could be interested in getting into for database building.

27th November 2008, 08:36 PM

Im using a VB.net program and not excel, I just store it there. Unfortunately I have never looed at web scraping. Perhaps its time I did, all Im trying to do is save a bit of time. :)


28th November 2008, 11:40 AM
Thanks to all that helped I sorted the matter.