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View Full Version : 15 days - calling Stix & others

29th January 2009, 06:20 PM
it probably just an anomaly with a couple of my methods, but ive picked up that those nags fronting up again after a 15 day break are costing me money

now theres several thoughts ive had as to why this could be, the most obvious is of course that its just a stat that will even itself out over time...but maybe not

anyone care to check their databases for the following -

15 days between starts
not 1st/2nd or 3rd up
not having 1st start at todays distance

29th January 2009, 07:59 PM
The results I got were a loss of 34% so yes you are right in that these specific ones are bad.

Now interestingly could you make money with it on betfair laying ? Well the answer is No.... Under $5 this things still produces the winners with only an 11% loss.

Seems the market prices in these bad selections ....

good Luck

30th January 2009, 09:02 AM
thanks wes

did you also note that those having their 1st start at the distance didnt do so bad?