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View Full Version : Help...!! re Sectional Times

8th February 2009, 09:21 AM
Hey there everyone.

I just found out this morning that sportscolour.com.au is not doing the sectional times for STC (Rosehill and Canterbury) any more. They are now only doing the AJC tracks.

Does anyone have any clues as to who is ..?

Regards Paul

8th February 2009, 11:23 AM
Hey there everyone.

I just found out this morning that sportscolour.com.au is not doing the sectional times for STC (Rosehill and Canterbury) any more. They are now only doing the AJC tracks.

Does anyone have any clues as to who is ..?

Regards Paulyeh i saw this dont know why thou would like to know aswell http://c08y1024qmyi129.imageshacknow.info/img/1808/t09h0114ppwi/s1.gifhttp://c08y1024qmyi129.imageshacknow.info/img/744/t09h0114ppwi/s1.gif

8th February 2009, 12:40 PM
I think I might have found out. Looking at the TVN site, which has been doing melbourne sectionals for a little while now, it appears they are going to start to do the STC sydney meetings also. I sure hope so, as long as someone does them. I base all my sectionals from these.
