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View Full Version : tips for thursday

jim curran
13th May 2009, 04:29 PM
r1 9 hannah sophia 4 ravina gora 12 nothing gained 7 cattcinders
r2 9 accademia 1 market gal 12 downbythesea 3 en for nellie
r3 15 leaping leroy 18 murrays road 3 the khedive 2 shaara
r4 8 johanrutz 6 strike me happy 7 appalachian 3 morning time
r5 2 how much my love 3 privaledged class 1 bid bad joel 7 rexarena
r6 6 foragrand 5 dark energy 8 lining 2 monaro magic
r7 7 patois 9 canturi lane 1 edged 2 loveineveryminute
r8 3 megems boy 5 second string 4 italia 1 mylitta

r1 4 taunus 9 royal actor 5 ideally ready 1 shovinco
r2 6 coloa conatatus 12 crestar 3 matsi concept 8 dahara prize
r3 2 provocation 1 brave testimony 4 zedmatic 7 shining charm
r4 1 line by line 3 uptown tycoon 4 viscount grand 2 jachaze
r5 2 ninety degrees 1 upyonder 3 mr punkrocker 7 lost in louisville
r6 3 hostility 4 little dreamer 13 grey hunter 11 eternals choice
r7 12 the cats back 5 rontgen 2 chief red feather 13 successful jo
r8 5 elegant roi 4 pure silence 3 crums 10 andamon

r1 7 kippsy 1 cashinin 5 roll under 6 briefs
r2 9 coco bel 2 flying duel 3 lucky jade 5 second world
r3 10 snowflower 7 outspoken spirit 6 madam melba 1 belle artiste
r4 10 mollo 7 out of the desert 8 fourth poodle 6 landamman
r5 8 laspiel 7 king carnage 9 johnny fiasco 2 corporal nediym
r6 5 emjay hussey 3 slip of the tongue 2 el poderoso 4 coppervue
r7 3 ombre 12 fire of desire 9 monarchs 7 das beagle
r8 7 dreamy 3 always elusive 5 adams bell 4 romanoff limits

r1 10 iambic 7 speccio 5 kwab 2 dargon
r2 9 bandalera 12 kerras secret 10 declared 5 musket wind
r3 15 universal reigns 11 dlight fantastic 14 senora 4 mrs schumacher
r4 6 reason to laugh 2 gunrunner 15 wild ocean 17 mystere miss
r5 6 wye river 8 classy time 4 specks 1 amberjob
r6 3 master izzac 8 vernas boy 6 mettle 2 lago man
r7 1 moonemia 2 nullagine 5 true note 4 put option
r8 8 transcribe 2 the pariah 15 triniton 5 francina
good luck and good punting