View Full Version : New bookie product

14th May 2009, 07:51 AM
I received a call from a rep of Betezy yesterday telling me that they are offering best tote on ALL Aussie gallops. He said it has never been done before and, to the best of my knowledge, that is correct.
I bet almost exclusively on Sat gallops but I know that many of you do bet on midweeks so I thought I'd pass the news on.


OZmium can offer you a Fantastic free bet offer - click here! (http://www.betezy.com/?mr=41009)

14th May 2009, 08:59 AM
Centerracing used to have it untill they were over taken by Unitab now they are no better then anyone else.

We'll see how long this one lasts, you can be assured that the minute that you show any success they shut you down. I am so sick of the antics of the corporates, like limits and the obvious push for the uneducated money that I would not waste my time with any of them, TAB and betfair as bad as it sounds will accept your bet, I just havent the time to tussle with limits and reservations when Im betting, or tyiong up my money only then to be denied a wager when I want it.

However for the $10 punter this is a perfect opportunity to get the best and certainly should be looked at, it makes sence.

14th May 2009, 10:24 AM
The user was suspended 6 months for this post. Count yourself very fortunate it's not permanent.

Jacfin, you know you're not allowed to use this site to advertise a bookmaker for your financial benefit.

Jacfin, you know you're not allowed to ask people if they sign up with a bookie from this site to give the bookie your account number, which you posted here, so you can get a free bet from the bookie.

Edited by Moderator 3 : 14th May 2009 at 04:20 PM.


"I'll make it permanent. No skin off my nose." Bye bye.