View Full Version : 85% Lay Plan

28th June 2009, 10:31 PM
Here is a Lay plan that has a 85% success rate.

No need to spend big money on those commercial ones that take ages to work out for 1 bet a day.

Target the tipsters Top selection.

Max price 5.90

Must be a non Fav
(If the tipsters top selection is Fav, no bet for that race , move onto the next one for that venue.)

Stop for that venue as soon as a quailifier is found for that venue reagardless in it is successful or not.
Do the same for the other venues.

Bet to fixed liability at 4% of bank or 1% of bank level stakes.
This allows for approx 25 outs.

Pick only one qualifying selection per venue.

E.g. 6 venues = 6 selections. 1 selection per venue .
This is done to minimise ones exposure to risk.

One will find themeselves being more succesful doing it this way rather that betting like a machine gun on every race.

I share this because I know no one will use it & if they did use it & was successful, they would not tell anyone.
That's OK , its just human nature in action.

Doing just this simple plan should produce 2.5% a day if one stopped as soon as this is reached.
But human nature will insist on pushing the envelope until the wheels fall off.
But thats OK .


1st July 2009, 01:20 AM
Strike rate over last 7 days is showing 100% success rate.

1st July 2009, 07:10 AM
Can't do much better than that! Well done.

Do you have any preferred tipster site, or do you just use any tipster e.g Unitab, NSW Tab.....

1st July 2009, 03:10 PM
Yeah same question here

2nd July 2009, 12:57 AM
It really doesn't matter which one is used.
The crappier the better.
One could even use a different tipster each day.

Try not to go over this $5.90 too often, that way its easier to recover at level stakes if we get bit along the way.
Sometimes there wont be a bet because all the tipsters top selections are the market fav.
That's OK , it just means that there were no qualifiers for that venue.

Stick to the one tipster for that venue,for that day, best not to flip flop between tipsters,for the same venue, that's how we can get ourselves bit.

I use the Radio Tab selections on UniTAB, only because its easy to get hold of.
Their selections are better than average, with a SR of 26% for their top selection which makes them one of the better SR going out there among tipsters ,if one was interested in following a tipster for win selections.

Because of their popularity it is usually reflected in the horses price which makes them shorter in price than what they should be , therefore over bet , which is great for the lay bettor.

This gives us a strong starting base to work from once our filter ,is placed over it.


2nd July 2009, 08:24 AM
Makes sense. Thanks, Bhag.

2nd July 2009, 09:49 PM
Wed 2/7/09

3 from 3

3% increase on bank.


7th July 2009, 11:04 AM
Mon 6/7/09
3 from 3

In the last 4 days we have only been bit once at $3.50

20th August 2009, 09:47 AM
Hi Bhagwan and others,

Anyone been following this advice? I have on an irregular basis and have done pretty well from it.

In choosing whether a certain horse qualifies does anyone have a suggestion as to which market is the best to follow? What is available on Betfair is often quite different to what is on the TABs. Many would undoubtedly follow the Unitab prices because of the convenience --- but is it the best? Would the local TAB be better (depending on the state that the race is being run in)?

Thoughts anyone?

27th August 2009, 07:40 PM
This is a Lay betting plan therefore Betfair would be used.

It made a profit again today. Thur 27/8/09

29th August 2009, 08:17 AM
Realise, B., that you would have to use Betfair to lay the horse in question. What I was asking really was which horse you would consider fav. when B/F has one as fav., another source has another?

30th August 2009, 10:19 PM
Good question.

I have found that the TABs prices usually follow that of Betfair even after they have jumped.

I saw a 5.50 TAB horse that became the 3.60 Fav 120 secs after they had jumped.
It won.

Betfair had it as a 4.00 Fav

I feel Betfair would be more accurate, so its best to use their prices.

I guess one would have to run a test between the two for this exercise to determine which producers the better results dollar wise.

31st August 2009, 08:10 AM
Thanks, Bhagwan. Understood --- and appreciated.