View Full Version : On the road to the Holy Grail!

Mr ed
19th July 2009, 01:02 AM
Hi Guy's,

I've never posted on this systems site before, ussually stick to the horseracing side, however i was reading a few of the threads here, and people talking about what makes a system profitable, namely aspects such as (the need for value and a unique factor unknown to the vast majority of punters). I also beleive it was Partpooper who said that he thinks a novice will somehow stumble across the "Holy Grail" with something extremely simple.

I think I have come across an anomily that fits the bill very well, and i'm very excited to see the results! I don't want to sound like a aaaa, but i would prefer to keep it under wraps for obvious reasons (in case it works! lol) but i just wanted to set up a live test to see how i go, as it is difficult to test retrospectively (plus i get bored!), hopefully can get some feedback or hints you have to offer such as staking plans etc, however i will be trialling this using level stakes betting to see how i go.

I used the "system" today and it showed a nice profit (1 day, lookout!), i will list the results daily. I can assure you all of ruthless honesty in my records, really don't see the point talking crap, and if it's a dog i'd rather find out sooner then later.

I can't go into any detail on what i am doing however i can tell you that it involves getting place "value".

Have started with level stakes of $100 per selection with an opening bank of $1000 dollars;

Saturday 18th July

Selections = 23

Outlay = 2300

Return = 2600

Outs = 7

Srike Rate = 70%

POT = 13%

Ave Place div = $1.85 (including 1 outlier of $4.50)
(the ave place div on actual pacegetters was $1.53)

Closing Bank = $1300

As i said will update daily, wish me luck!

Cheers Ed,

19th July 2009, 06:52 AM
Will be interesting to follow your trial, Ed.

Doubt if I can add any ideas to what you would obviously have thought of yourself, however if you are going to back each selection with 10% of the bank it will be marvelous if it doesn't quickly crash.

Not including your outlier yesterday things would have panned out as about square. Perhaps not a bad result; but not the big plus you actually achieved.

And about yesterday, there did seem to be a lot of well paying results --- you may not get that in every day racing --- making it hard to achieve your hoped-for outcome except very slowly. Nothing wrong with hastening slowly, of course.

Good luck.

Mr ed
19th July 2009, 09:48 AM
Hi Merriguy,

Yes i figured that if i can obtain a high enough S/R then it would be O.K. to bet 10% of bank. Also i wont be increasing the bet if/when bank increases so as of today $100 per selection only = around 7.7% of bank.

The Outlier i included actually didn't place (would've loved if it did) so that didn't have any bearing on my result. (Sorry just on that, when you're working out S/R and ave price, do you work out Ave P for all selections or just winning ones?)

Cheers Ed,

19th July 2009, 04:01 PM
Good point there Mr.Ed, I've always quoted the average divi ONLY of the placegetters, and presumed that everyone else did as well, just shows you , left/right brained and all that.

As an avid place only punter (main betting) I can tell you that some weird things happen and some amazing winning and losing runs. Just recently I had the most exhastipating run of 4ths, it was like there was some entity making it happen. (loopy stuff, eh?) But as always it's the overall S/R + ave divi that counts over a long period of time and many thousands of bets.

I have wondered though if I was to study the divies of all bets say 1 miute b4 the off and maybe some groups are more profitable than others. Personally mine are all in as my bets are on b4 racing, but it's very rare that I have a $1.10c or even a $1.04c payer. (betting best tote that is)

Guess youve done all your own reseach, but just 2 cents worth, there does seem to be merit in only backing the selection if there is less than 10 runners.

I'm doing some reasearch at the moment though to check the profitabilty of less than 8 runners i.e. only 2 places but better returns, but so far it looks like 8 or 9 runners is the go.

Will watch your results with interest.

Mr ed
19th July 2009, 08:15 PM
Thanks mate, i will definately look @ sticking to smaller field sizes. Where do you get best tote for the place? I would love to that on hand!

Today again showed a profit, but i was a little perplexed S/R was v/good but the prices just seemed to always shorten well after the jump, am guessing it is the smallish pools on Sundays that cause this, i actually had a horse running around today @ $1.00 the place, (that's the greatest feeling in the world, knowing you stand to win f/a but just hoping you can save your money).

Sunday 19th July

Selections = 14

Outlay = $1400

Return = $1510

Outs = 3

S/R = 78%

POT = 8%

Ave Place Div = $1.37

Closing Bank = $1410

Will do a progressive tally tomorrow, i need to sleep now:)

Cheers Ed,

20th July 2009, 12:33 AM
well Mr. Ed, you're doing well so far,it's not for me to say what is acceptable but I can tell you that after 30 odd years of losing I got smart,.... but 4% on T/O is the best I can do. NOW HEAR THIS , that equates to $40 on $1000 bet overall , can you handle that?????

To handle your question of best tote, I did a survey recently which proved that best tote paid at least 8% better than ANY individual tote., and in fact If your plan paid at least evens for the win you were better off backing EW with Sportingbet (i.e.to get 1/4 the sp odds for the place)

I should say though that nearly all of my selections would be FAV or at least 2nd Fav.

Best Tote odds are only available (for the place) from Sportsbet.com.au as far as I know, ....... I hope to be corrected. But that only applies to Metro meetings.

regards, Partypooper

Mr ed
20th July 2009, 09:35 PM
Thanks Partypooper,

I would be delighted with a consistent 4% POT (I'm sure everybody here would!) This is a bit different for me as i am finding it difficult to maintain my discipline and only bet when they qualify (so far i am sticking strong:-))

Today again showed a modest profit, (3 winning days in a row, but certainly not getting ahead of myself)

Monday 20th July

Opening Bank=$1410
Selections = 7
Outlay = $700
Return = $720
Outs = 2
S/R = 71%
POT = 3%
Ave Pl Div = $1.44
Closing Bank = $1430

Progressive Tally;

Opening Bank =$1000
Selections = 44
Outlay = $4400
Return = $4830
S/R = 73%
POT = 10%
Ave Pl Div = $1.51
Closing Bank = $1430

Hopefully the run will continue; however, the POT has decreased everyday by 5%, so on that tomorrow i should show 2%LOT.

Cheers Ed,

21st July 2009, 01:18 AM
Mr Ed, at this stage one tends to hang onto every days result, let me tell you hat "patience" means 1000 days results, i.e. the effect of even 10 days results causes hardly a ripple overall good or bad......can you handle that?

Mr ed
21st July 2009, 01:35 PM
Don't know Partypooper, suppose it was only $1000 i started with and so far i've had a whole lot a bets and a whole lot of fun. Even if the system turns out to be a furffy i'm still happy to lose the $1000 and say i had a go. I will say that yesterday was a lot of work to win 20 clams, and only 1 more out could've seen a bad loss, but it's still a novelty for me at the moment, no idea how i will feel about it in the future.

I have no intention of giving up work and living solely off the punt, but if i'm going to have a flutter, i'd rather have a method and be smart about it.

I will say that there is logic in my method (method in my madness probably more apt!) I will start now to add Ave win Price (of placegetters) to my results, even though i will not be betting the win, my plan is all about achieving place 'value', which can obviously be judged in correlation with win price.

Cheers Ed,

22nd July 2009, 12:20 AM
I'll just say that 1/4 the SP odds is VERY attractive for the place, but unfortunately only available (as far as i know) when you back EW) so....... if you have amethod that breaks even over many many bets for the win @ SP, then you may have a handle to bet EW and enjoy the 1/4 SP odds for the place........get the idea?

22nd July 2009, 05:50 AM
I had a dabble at this & cleaned up.

22nd July 2009, 06:10 AM
I'll just say that 1/4 the SP odds is VERY attractive for the place, but unfortunately only available (as far as i know) when you back EW) so....... if you have amethod that breaks even over many many bets for the win @ SP, then you may have a handle to bet EW and enjoy the 1/4 SP odds for the place........get the idea?Hey party with that, do the bets have to be equal? ie can I bet one unit win, 6 units place and still get the 1/4 sp odds for the place? Or do they have to be 1 unit win, 1 unit place?

23rd July 2009, 12:36 AM
Hey Thorns wouldn't THAT be great, nah ,no such luck ;as far as I know, it's 1ew = 1for the win at SP and 1 for the place @ 1/4 the SP odds.

Doesn't always work but generally it's in your favour over best tote (for the place part that is)