View Full Version : How to maximise your returns...thoughts?

Steve M
21st July 2009, 07:52 PM
So after the challenge of how to find your selection method and when/how to back it we then encounter the issue of how to obtain the best odds.

We have Tab versus Corporate Bookmakers versus Bookmakers versus Betfair.

All perhaps dependent on the price range of the horse/s you back plus your type of betting.

But I'm interested in the idea of approaching bookmakers in the style of 'what can you do for me' to better your competitors.

Has anyone done it or thoughts on what type of offers might be palatable to a bookmaker?

21st July 2009, 08:33 PM
Does it really matter?

If you got a winning system, then you have a winning system.
If you need to rely on an extra point here and an extra point there, then you ain't got nothin'
If you wanna increase your profits, then all you need do is increase your investments.

Steve M
21st July 2009, 08:49 PM
Does it really matter?

If you got a winning system, then you have a winning system.
If you need to rely on an extra point here and an extra point there, then you ain't got nothin'
If you wanna increase your profits, then all you need do is increase your investments.
Of course it matters. At least it does in my opinion.

That extra point here or there...might equal as little or as much as an added 20% extra return on your bet compared to other punters.

Maybe others can afford not to worry about that...well if I can gain that advantage I'm keen to do it.

Steve M
21st July 2009, 09:02 PM

my sentiments exactly, not a very popular sentiment with many here, but it's the brutal truth nevertheless.

When I read this: "what can you do for me' to better your competitors."

my first thought was, the man is looking for a new car and posted here by mistake.

Bookmakers are not members of benevolent societies, as long as you are losing, they are your friends, the minute you are winning look out!

Sorry if I offended anyone, but some reality checks are needed every now and then.

Good luck.
No offense taken, I'm sorta surprised some punters have so little respect for their money but [in my opinion] it also explains why punters butter up to take unders with the tab every day when backing favourites - compared to a better price that's available elsewhere.

It's a no brainer for me, bit like buying shares on the sharemarket. I want to take the best price available.

If I have to bargain and haggle for it, so be it :-)


Steve M
21st July 2009, 09:28 PM
You did not understand what moee and I were saying, if your profit is so little that a few % here and there makes the difference between winning or losing than you are not having a winning "system" or selection method.

neither moee or I said, don't look for a better return, I have 2 TAB and one betfair account, my bookies accounts have a limit of up to $ 20/bet depending on odds, so there you go.
The minute you will have the same limitations with bookies, you can criticize my opinions.

Good luck with your projects

Not worth being suspended about, so I will delete in a few minutes
But who said my profit was so little that I required it?

I think you've both made an incorrect presumption if that's the case. I'm happy to report a nice profit for the last racing year but that doesn't mean I don't want to improve upon it - without the obvious risk of simply increasing the stake.

21st July 2009, 09:33 PM
But who said my profit was so little that I required it?

I think you've both made an incorrect presumption if that's the case. I'm happy to report a nice profit for the last racing year but that doesn't mean I don't want to improve upon it - without the obvious risk of simply increasing the stake.Care to refer to your opening post?

never mind I couldn't care less.

Steve M
21st July 2009, 09:44 PM
Care to refer to your opening post?

never mind I couldn't care less.Hmmm...I have, I don't get your point or your negativity?

I dont' mind you disagreeing...for that matter either.

Moderator 3
21st July 2009, 10:54 PM
Please ensure posts are civil.
Thank you. Moderator 3.

22nd July 2009, 12:14 AM
Well, I don't wanna upset anyone, but I can tell you that the difference betwen betting even best tote, is about 7-8% (for the place) so ask anyone what is the difference between betting at 2% loss on T/O, compared to betting at 6% PROFIT on T/O?????? do we really have to ask the question?

So YES, getting he best odds from a bookie can and does make all the difference, in fact in most cases "THE ONLY DIFFERENCE"

To those that are so successful that you don't have to worry about a few points here or there, well, I'm truly envious!

22nd July 2009, 06:48 AM
1pt difference , doing it all the time does make a difference.

The blaze approach to value is astounding & found most prevalently with TAB punters, that's why the TAB still exists.

Get 10.00 instead of 9.00 = 9/1 & 8/1 = diff 12.5%

Get 4.00 instead of 3.00 = 3/1 & 2/1 = diff 50%

Have 8 bets
1 winner
Get 9.00 instead of 8.00 = 8/1 & 7/1 = diff 14%
1 unit profit.
That's 12.5% POT instead of break even.

Compare say the TAB price of a tipsters top selection to Betfairs price.
The difference is huge, percentage wise, sometimes there is a 100% difference.
Yet a large percentage prefer to take unders all the time betting with the TAB.
Why? if they don't have to.

I guess they dont care because a winner is a winner at any price, attitude.

If thats the case why why not back 75% the field & pray for an outsider to get up, now suddenly, price does make a difference and one will be accepting unders on nearly all of them.

One has to convert to fractional odds to get the true percentage difference.

One would have to ask...
Would you buy shares that were 10% more than what the general market was offering?

It could take a whole year to make up the difference, yet punters shrug this percentage off in one bet & continue to do so with all their other bets... weird.

If you are hunting for the strongest price, go to one of the sites that shows a number of book makers prices which also compares this to Betfairs price & you will see most times that Betfairs price is usually the stronger, in a majority of cases.


22nd July 2009, 10:20 AM
One would have to ask...
Would you buy shares that were 10% more than what the general market was offering?


This ain't what the Poster was asking.
Everybody is entitled, and really should be compelled to seek the best price available.

All your points made were valid and I wish I could fully understand the immense Power of those points.I'm sure I would have second thoughts of the placing of small casual bets, just for the sake of having a bet.

The Poster wanted more than just the best price freely available.

Steve M
22nd July 2009, 06:37 PM
This ain't what the Poster was asking.
Everybody is entitled, and really should be compelled to seek the best price available.

All your points made were valid and I wish I could fully understand the immense Power of those points.I'm sure I would have second thoughts of the placing of small casual bets, just for the sake of having a bet.

The Poster wanted more than just the best price freely available.
I'm a bit confused moeee...originally you asked 'does it really matter' but you also regard it as important enough for every punter to seek the best available price.

I still don't get your problem with seeking the best possible price.

Nonetheless the only thing I take is that you don't want to take a approach like mine but happily take what's on offer to all. That's cool.

Cheers Bhagwan will take another look at Betfair, last time I did the small pools were a bit of an issue - especially with the lesser midweek metro races where I bet a bit.

22nd July 2009, 07:01 PM
Have to agree with Bhagwan that you can get some fabulous prices on Betfair - way above what is being offered elsewhere. Often a genuine 8/1 you can get 12/1 or better.

That said sometimes you will get significantly under if you are not careful. Lay odds can be far too long and small pools may affect placing bets - generally you have to wait until the last one or two minutes to get on with the most 'true' markets. Also you have to be prepared to 'pull' you bet if you cant get the price you are after - and place it elsewhere.

Clearly there are also bookies with Betfair accounts - as these betting exchange markets represent a very convenient way to lay off.

22nd July 2009, 07:28 PM
Example from Sandown today -

Race 5 Sandown - Philda - final prices Betfair 4.65 * IAS 3.80.

The Betfair price was 16.67 % higher than totes.

However Betfair final prices can be misleading as they dont represent the range of odds available while the market is 'buidling'.

Race 8 Sandown - Prevaricate - final prices Betfair 16.76 * IAS 14.00.

In this case the Betfair price was 10.40% lower than totes.

The IAS prices are shown for comparison and also they have similar considerations - i.e. the price changes during betting.

23rd July 2009, 02:04 AM
For what its worth
I saw a TAB 90.00 winner on Tues 22/7/09 get up & it was 300.00 on Betfair.
That's a 330% difference.

I have seen some huge layoffs on the last 30 secs.

One comes to mind where $30,000 was laid to lose in one bet .
It was a short priced Fav which went from 2.10 to 2.90
In a 6 horse field in a midweek meeting of low importance.
It got snaffled up by the punters remarkably quick.

It fell over.

23rd July 2009, 07:15 AM
Race 8 Sandown - Prevaricate - final prices Betfair 16.76 * IAS 14.00.

That's why I use STab for my bets for prices over $12.00
At least 90% of the time I get better prices and get fully matched!

I had $17.20 for Prevaricate yesterday!