View Full Version : Anyone with a Unitab data base

25th September 2009, 07:27 AM
I have for the past few weeks been successfully laying using a simple system which averages about two selections per day. However, the profit and strike rate over the same period dramatically improved when the minimum allowable distance is increased, but it also decreased the number of selections.

If anyone has a Unitab data base would they kindly test the following Lay system?

1) 100 points on Unitab .
2) Minimum distance of 1,300 metres.
3) Must be having its second run from a spell.
4) Maximum price of $9.90.
5) Omit the 4 major states on Saturday racing.

If I remember correctly, almost every accident, if not all, were races between 1,200 and 1,250 meters, and they were slowing towards the end of the race.

If possible, can Maiden races be looked at seperately? They about break-even with a minimum distance of 1,200 metres, so maybe the extra 200 meters might be profitable?

With thanks in advance.
