View Full Version : The 1.5 percenter (Bhagwan)

9th October 2009, 01:44 AM
Random Access

November 2007
Profit $95 Betfair were not covering all meetings in 2007
Many days only 1 meeting no chance of any recovery.

April 2008
Profit $2525 an absolute cracker of a month (I would be happy
with 6 of these each year).
Only three accidents of 400+ 500+ 600+ spaced well apart
so plenty of room for recovery.

May 2008
A shocker, started with -700 and -600 in first three days
Had a total of eight accidents in the month and tried very
hard to recover, but fell short to record a Loss ($280)


9th October 2009, 07:02 AM
Has anyone run the 1.5 percent plan for a lengthy period?

9th October 2009, 03:24 PM
October up and running

9 days $900 profit

9th October 2009, 08:21 PM
Was today's Cru in Wangaratta ?

9th October 2009, 08:57 PM
Was today's Cru in Wangaratta ?
Race 1 No 2 Ran and won

9th October 2009, 09:02 PM
October up and running

9 days $900 profit
Correction $1200 Profit

9th October 2009, 09:46 PM
Random Access Update

Aug 2008 Profit$2180

Sep 2008 Loss ($620)

9th October 2009, 11:16 PM
Random Access Update

Jan 2009 Profit $155

Feb 2009 Profit $1000

For the 7 months $5055 Profit
AVG $722 per month
Well I will leave it up to you
wether you consider it worthwhile
jumping onboard
Good Luck Good Punting
(Thankyou to Bhagwan)

10th October 2009, 09:55 AM
Thanks for sharing your findings Place2win.

And well done.

10th October 2009, 10:59 AM
Here's Lay plan that is showing promise.
Invented by Michealg.

Target races 1300-5000m

100ptr as per UniTAB
If 2 x 100ptrs in race , then no bet.

Must be 2nd up from a spell.
e.g. 3x4 , 5x1 , 0x2 ect.

Price 1.10-5.30
Any higher than this then no bet.

Bet 1.20% of bank level stakes.

For what ever reason , these tend to fall over a lot.

This allows for approx 20+ outs.

The past stats & current results, are showing excellent results, with a number of very short prices falling over for us.

10th October 2009, 11:26 AM
Bhagwan, as you say, its still performing quite well.

However, I've added a further rule - must not have won its last start.

I'm not to keen on listing any system here because if they have merit then some people might profit by marketing them, but I don't think this might apply to Lay systems.

I am currently testing (and winning) with another one:

1) $3.00 or less in the pre-post market.
2) Not in Unitab's top 3 ratings.
3) Max lay price of $6.80

There have been 12 successes from 13 selections for a profit of 8.00 units.

If anyone's interested, there are 4 selections today:

Rosehill R6 no.1 - Faulconbridge
Eagle Farm R7 no.1 - German Choclate
Eagle Farm R8 no.4 - Blackwoods Choice
Morphetville R5 no.1 - Forays.

Now watch the Forum Curse do its work...

11th October 2009, 07:46 AM
For the 7 months $5055 Profit
AVG $722 per month
Well I will leave it up to you
wether you consider it worthwhile
jumping onboard

On these figures the $150 a day claim may more realistically be described as:

"Risk $600 per race to win $23 a day".

So $150 a day would require risking ~$3,600 per race.

Wonder what impact that figure would have on the not infrequent minnow meetings?