View Full Version : System testing
29th October 2009, 09:35 AM
Could someone run these throough a database for me. Have created the first one from a online system bulder tool, but seems inaccurate
First sytem
Metro only
Barrier 1-6
Won at distance
Won at venue
last start place 1,2,3
Must be under $6
2nd system
TAB number-1,2,3
Price- over $20
3rd system
TAB number- 1,2,3
Barrier- 7+
Price- over $20
29th October 2009, 05:16 PM
Doing it now for you
29th October 2009, 05:27 PM
Selections 7641
Wins 2022
S/R 26.46%
LOT -15.53%
Selections 14071
Wins 279
S/R 1.98%
LOT -37.72%
Selections 18818
Wins 442
S/R 2.35%
LOT -24.92%
29th October 2009, 06:55 PM
Cheers Shaun,
Confirmed my thoughts about the first one, on the online system builder I tried it showed a 10-15% strike rate dependent on venue, and a LOT of around 65%.
Those other two was looking at laying the longer prices, but seeing as prices on betfair are usually much higher than, I dont know how it would fair.
Any suggestion on basic filters to try and make any of them lose eve more, but still keeping it high turnover?
29th October 2009, 07:58 PM
Try & keep in mind, that each time a new filter is introduced, it reduces the volumn on turnover quite a lot.
When inventing Lay methods from losing Backing systems , its a strong idea to target failed systems that have a min -20% LOT as a starting point & build from there.
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