View Full Version : Effect of bet size to win pool size to non-tab betting

1st November 2009, 12:22 PM
Hi All

New to posting here but love the forum for some real good information for confidence building in system creation.

Can anyone answer this for me.

I have my first fully automated system. Starting it out small but could grow large within 6 months.

What I need to know and am concerned about is that the system is on greyhounds (smallish win pools) and the month to month profit is 30%. What I am concerned about is the larger the outlay of the system, then it will directly affect the price and therefore the profit per dollar.

If I bet on TAB, I know that it will affect the price to a large degree eg say 20000 is in the POT of the TAB win pool, I put on 1000 or $2000 then that will make the price drop (profit per dollar drop).

What I am not sure of is that if I bet on other online non-TAB services, will the money I put into them, be used by them on TAB to lessin loss, so therefore directly affecting profit per dollar or will they take my money and keep it out of the TAB win pool.

1st November 2009, 01:11 PM
Stevemac, I asked that question a while ago when the (%of bank) bets on a place system I was operating were creeping up to very significant amounts. The answer seemed to be that much of the cash indirectly ends up in the pools one way or another. This seemed to hold true as I was betting with an agency, my S/R stayed the same but the dividends showed a downward spiral that never recovered so that in the end I was just breaking even, when I'd showed a profit for 4 years previous.

I still operate the same sytem but reverted back to the original stakes and guess what?............. back in profit. Now b4 I get a broadside, yes it could just be coincidence but the only way to find out again for sure is to actually put the cash on! good luck!

2nd November 2009, 07:58 AM
Interesting and was hoping not to be the case. I guess I will know as I am keeping a running graph. In time I might put my findings here.

What I may do is adjust my betting when profit per dollar go to a threshhold and see what happens over time.

Still interested in others experiences or knowledge. Would be a good thing to know for all I would think.