View Full Version : Spreadsheet Help

4th January 2010, 10:10 PM
Does anyone have a spreadsheet where I can keep track of my betting.

Once that has date, track, horse, result, win dividend, place dividend, win bet amount, place bet amount, profit for the win, profit for the place, and overall profit for win and place, one that does yearly totals too, and ROI totals for the month and for the year to date.

Also one that calculates everything automatically using excel formulas.

Also one that allows a person to change their outlay whenever required. For example, allows to change the win bets and place bets amounts if bank is getting higher or lower.

Many thanks.

6th January 2010, 08:53 AM
I have heaps of different spreadsheets for my gambling records but none that match exactly what you want. I think you will be better off doing your own spreadsheets for several reasons:

1) You get to learn how to do something new
2) You can make changes or add more calculations on your own
3) You can tailor it to your specific needs.

Excel is pretty easy to learn so have a go yourself but if you need help with specific formula questions then post them here and we'll try to help.

Dennis G
6th January 2010, 12:29 PM
Hi Ade,

I'm with goty on this one. The SS you describe is made up of very basic and simple Excel formulae, but sounds complex in structure; too complex to be designed over the internet.

As goty said "Excel is pretty easy to learn so have a go yourself but if you need help with specific formula questions then post them here and we'll try to help." I was similarly overawed at first, but found the going quite easy and pleasurable when I 'dipped a toe'. So much so that now I'm tackling quite heavy stuff.

I, too, will be around if you need assistance, so all I'll add is 'go for it!'
