View Full Version : Racecensus Update

Chrome Prince
3rd February 2010, 12:19 AM
Racecensus Horseracing database has been updated to Jan 31st 2010.

The update is downloadable which means any saved finds are saved and not overwritten.

The download address is:


It is 5.35MB in size.

You will need to email me for a password for the rar file.
It contains a spreadsheet to import directly into the database.

Updating instructions are fairly straightforward.

1. Download the .rar file and unzip it to your desktop.
You need to enter the password for it to extract to a folder on your desktop.
(Winrar is free to download.)

2. Start up Racecensus and wait for it to enter find mode.
Put RaceCensus into Browse mode by selecting browse in the bottom left hand side of the main window.

3. Select File -> Import Records -> File (from the file menu at the top left hand menu.
Browse for the 2010.xls file on your desktop in the 2010 folder.

Select Open.

A little window will pop up called Specify Excel Data.
The display worksheets radio button should already be selected and show all records should be already highlighted, so select continue.

4. This is the only step you have to be careful with.
An Import Field Mapping box will pop up.

Make sure that the target is Current Table ("RaceCensus.")

Change Arrange by: to matching names.

Import action radio button should be set to Add new records.

Don't import first record should be ticked.

Click the import button and RaceCensus will begin importing updated data.
This will take some time as there is a lot of data.
RaceCensus is not hanging, it is importing and indexing everything.
It will start counting down the number of records left to import.

The hourglass signifies that it is busy importing.

The reason it takes a while to import, is for faster query time later.
Time spent impoting now, means faster future searches!

After it's finished you'll be given an import summary and just hit o.k.

Your database is now updated to 38,466 Metropolitan races.


Free system 1 profit 20 units
Fitspeed system profit 130 units
7 days consistency plan profit 122 units
Fitclass system 85 units profit
Peak maturity fitness profit 173 units.

530 units profit, up 15 units from the last update.
Shocking winning the Melbourne Cup helped us out ;)

Chrome Prince
5th February 2010, 02:09 PM
***Windows Vista or Windows 7***

If you are running RaceCensus on Vista or 7, some users have reported that the import file option is not available.
This is due to Administrator rights restrictions.

The workaround is this....

Close RaceCensus.
Right click the RaceCensus icon and select run in Administrator mode.
And then try the update procedure again.

This has worked in all cases.

Chrome Prince
8th February 2010, 01:38 PM
Just writing to keep purchasers updated.

I am currently working on Version 7 of RaceCensus.
System tests are up to 100 times faster than our main competitor.
A simple favourites system took under a minute to calculate.

so what will be new?

Working on a better colour presentation.
Working on putting in the actual placings of tote dividends (i.e. 2nd or 3rd)
Adding all metro meetings from 1998 onwards.
Fixing on opening RaceCensus, it runs through all the calculations.
Adding any missing trainers and jockeys.
Fixing any missing race times.
***Adding a fifth last run for the system tester***
Automating my master database, so that updates should be available every month rather than every quarter.
I have made the decision to support RaceCensus with updates until at least the end of 2020.

I am taking out some ratios that don't seem to improve systems, because there are too many races where only one runner is ranked and the ratios are then out of whack.

I am working on time rankings whereby users can see at a glance which horses rank highly regardless of track distance and going. In other words, times will be normalized by track going and distance.

If those rankings prove beneficial, I will also be working on an extra module for RaceCensus, where the user can input the track going and distance and beaten margin and be presented with rankings for the field.
It will require manual input, but I'm working on it.

The module will be created only if the time method offers an edge.

I'll keep everyone updated here, I expect the first part of Version 7 to be ready the first week of March (if my eyes hold up) :eek:

Thanks to the many aubscribers and supporters over the last ten years.