View Full Version : Weight Ratings - Don Scott's, Rem Plantes or others...?

11th December 2002, 07:55 PM

Apologies for the double-posting, but I think I put the first one in the wrong forum... anyhow...

I'm evaluating Don Scotts methods... using excel based code to retrieve form from the web and process it in accordance with the process in 'Winning More'.

My question is...

Does anyone have a current listing of the class ratings of metro and/or provincial races to share? I don't mind working it out myself, but if anyone can save me time, that would be excellent.


Equine Investor
12th December 2002, 02:59 PM
Hello VBA,

If you like, contact me via email.

I would be willing to supply you with the information you require, in exchange for the importing of webform via excel program that you have.
I don't want your secrets, or ratings, just the basic code to import the form correctly, so I can apply my own figures to it.

If it only works with paid subscription to a form service, then I'll help you anyhow.



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Equine Investor on 2002-12-12 16:01 ]</font>