View Full Version : Computer problem (help appreciated)

17th December 2010, 01:15 PM
I inherited a comp which has about 10 times+ the capacity of my own, and its been sitting there for 2 years. but was in use right up to the time it came to me.

I tried at last to get the thing hooked up, its just a regular tower type, anyway nothing happens except an audible noise kinda like a long buzz.

Theres a switch on the back 0/1, when you hit that it stops but still nothing else.

Anyone any idea whats going on?

17th December 2010, 03:00 PM
The switch on the back turns the power supply on or off, what i would do is unplug the computer and take the side cover off, make sure the memory modual is properly inserted and has not come loose.

17th December 2010, 03:32 PM
Thanks Shaun I'll look at that, its a possibility as it was packed up fairly quickly and transported. Will let you know! cheers

21st December 2010, 12:35 PM
shaun, just an date, tried that, can't find anything amiss..... so the mystery deepens. thanks anyway!

21st December 2010, 01:16 PM
Did you take it out then place it back in, do the same to any of the other cards that might be in there like graphics and sound.

22nd December 2010, 01:32 AM
Shaun, no just looked, so will do that and let you know, ta again!