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View Full Version : Tipping challenge

horse marker
19th December 2002, 10:39 AM
Sorry I deleted your selections but here are the results.

5 selections, $9.20 div

6 selections, $10.30 div

5 selections, no wins

good luck next week

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: quapi on 2002-12-19 18:24 ]</font>

19th December 2002, 05:26 PM
This challenge was set up by someone who is not welcome on this Forum because he just cannot help ridiculing other posters.

20th December 2002, 08:19 PM
......Quapi.....Perchance who are you referring to in your last post??

Dr Pangloss
20th December 2002, 10:43 PM
For WHOM does the bell toll?

The bell tolls for THEE.

21st December 2002, 10:23 AM
On 2002-12-20 21:19, angel416 wrote:
......Quapi.....Perchance who are you referring to in your last post??

I am referring to the person who logged in as Horse Marker after previously being lew for a few posts and prior to that numerous other user names that have also been restricted.

22nd December 2002, 12:37 PM
To Quapi.....Thanks mate for clearing that issue....I noted with interest that "lew"initiated the challenge,but horsemarker was monitoring the results!I did not post any more tips after the poor response from other posters.I made a rather bad post some time ago,but I apologized to the poster concerned and also you.I sincerely hope that all is o.k.as I really enjoy being a part of this forum.Merry Xmas to all,cheers,angel